Roaring and Releasing


Going over the bills.  Almost $30 of my water/utility bill are “fees” (aka illegal taxes – things put in by the city without citizen approval/vote).

These financial constraints I am under are too much.  I am under no further illusion or delusion that I can pull myself out of my situation on my own.  I am frustrated.  I know exactly what I want and need.  E X A C T L Y.  For now – I am stuck in a situation that is not healthy nor beneficial all due to money – which I why I am literally screaming at the top of my lungs not caring who hears or how I sound or look:

When I see what this is doing to my girl – yeah – enough is enough.

Enough is absolutely enough.



And because every part of me within and without and all around says so.

That’s all for now.  I’ve kept so much within in recent weeks not wanting to really upset others or offend because I absolutely know I am not alone in how I feel – however I know my specific situation is something not all can understand or relate to.  Money should N E V E R be used to deny someone their freedom ~ their health ~ their healing.

I don’t know if I will ever find forgiveness in how that whole system has been used – is used here – and the harm it has caused what is otherwise a trusting, innocent, peaceful Soul who has been turned into an alternate version of someone who feels overwhelmed, depleted, frustrated, unheard, misunderstood, not seen, isolated and alone.  Not a pretty picture atm.  So………


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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