Today’s Finds and Whatever’s ~ 11.25.22


This one’s for the ladies………….




Starting……….things off…….with………..a Bang……….



A wish about to walk away from finally showing movement….Ability to form patterns from info received in the collective………….Moment to moment and intensity ~ something breaking through…………..Breaking through for the Collective – higher self up on the mountain observing……….My feel – those not “in the know” feeling uncomfortable – others of us just observing……Watching something (seeking truth) for so long – knowing it for so long –  more connected to the stars (stepping off the planet – focus is on the sky) than in wanting to see all of this movie ending(s)……….Connected to a particular group……..Very interesting read and cards that show up……..

#aquarius #tarot #intuitivereading

Aquarius – This is your cue.






Play stupid games play stupid prices………..They get fired – we get our right to freedom of expression online restored……



So I have this old phone I have been hanging on to…………I was able to get a free “smart” phone (only way I was going to stay w/the carrier) but I am still hesitant to activate it………..This morning I thought “bring in a new phone that uses starlink – good tech”…………Then I see this:


Oooh then I just see MrMB is on the same thought train……….







Fauci Admits he Based His Unprecedented US Economic Lockdowns on Draconian Measures Used by the Communist Chinese


Bidens Attend Annual Nantucket Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony – Tree Fails to Light Up on First Try (VIDEO)




❗❗❗ 🆘 ❗❗❗Official 🇬🇧 UK document from the Ministry of Health reveals 💉 Convid never existed 💉❗❗❗

⛔ This now being the case means the masks, lockdowns, vaccines and PCR tests were all acts of criminality❗❗❗

⛔ This needs to be shared so the public realise the hoax is now officially in the public domain❗❗❗



Love and need this:

WILL POWER still rules andif people are aware of this, have a deep sense of who they are at their core and what their core values are, they can catch and override any ulterior programming.

This takes an effort at being cognizant- no auto pilot functioning.

Regualrly throughout that day, pause and ask yourself, why am I doing what I am doing?

Is it typical for me to do something like this, feel this way, think this way?

Was there something else I wanted to be doing or had to say?

Start checking regularly to catch any funny business. Even if we haven’t been injected since childhood.

The heart knows us at the core. Practice being centered in the heart, coming from the heart, and running everything through the heart.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

To say that something can suck your soul out implies a helpless state of being.

Consider that from a higher perspective, a person is GIVING pieces of their soul away through separation judgments such as-

“I am better than them”- the “them” piece of the soul is GIVEN away

“They are better then me”- the”they” piece of the soul is given away.

“They are more powerful than me.”-the they is a piece of the soul given away, not sucked away.

“Nobody sees or hears me”-the nobody is a piece of the soul given away. There is only ONE Great Spirit, One Heart, One Love, One Soul.

The higher reality is that we give pieces of our own soul away to other things through separation judgments.

Start saying- “I am at peace as a child of God” instead of making separation judgments, to neutralize the potential to separate the self.

WE are always in control of our light. We are always in control of our ability to respond with Love. We are all just walking each other home.






Musk is allowing these hashtags to trend on TWItteR!
We are winning!!!!!




New research suggests our brains use quantum computation

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin believe our brains could use quantum computation. Their discovery comes after they adapted an idea developed to prove the existence of quantum gravity to explore the human brain and its workings.



Also found in – the wayback machine – which according to what I found is legitimate and can be used in cases of litigation according to US Appeals Court judges……..



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Finds and Whatever’s ~ 11.25.22”

  1. Walken! Always have appreciated his originality. I’m a LION hear me ROAR!…

    Re Act of 1871–I followed Anna Von Reitz some years back… (still appreciate her POV) and it makes sense: Paul Engel writes–
    “So what did this act actually create and why do people claim that this legislation made the United States a private corporation? It seems the idea that the United States is now a private corporation stems from the language “is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes”. In other words, the District of Columbia is a municipal corporation.”
    “Most people who tell me that the United States is a corporation seem to be merely repeating something they were told. The few examples I’ve found where people try to explain how The District of Columbia Act created a private corporation, their reasoning falls flat.”
    Did the Act Create Corporate USA?…”

    “…There’s nothing in the Constitution or laws of the United States that allows the District of Columbia to be a private corporation or to exercise any power over another city or state. This appears to be little more than a tactic to scare the American people into believing their control over government has been taken away by some mysterious cabal of evildoers. Sadly, the truth is even worse. Our power to control government has not been taken away, we are merely unwilling to wield it or to wield it justly.

    Hopefully, this will be an example of why it’s so important to go back to the original documents to see if what you are being told is true. As Ronald Reagan said, trust, but then verify.”

    The summation of merit from my POV: ‘Our power to control government has not been taken away, we are merely unwilling to wield it or to wield it justly.’

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