The Sleuthing Queen is on it again ~ 8.18.23


So the radio is all over this storm hilary – saying Cali has not seen something like this in 84 years.  The investigator/intuitive in me said “what happened 84 years ago?”  Oh, just some realm-changing events created by “them” to spread more of “their” doings – totally altering our experience while generating alot of loosh.

September 1, 1939 just happens to be the start of WWII.  Is this an incoming mirror Art of War on the doorstep?

Check it out:

  1. Nazi Germany attacks Poland on September 1 and France, Australia and the United Kingdom declare war on Germany.
  2. Manhattan Project
  3. Russian troops invade Finland
  4. Battle of the Atlantic begin.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.