4.8.24 ~ additional finds


cicadas – still coming this spring according to what i read.  devil’s comet?  who knows – no one seems to have been able to capture it.  i have a biz idea – stores that operate on half power in terms of lights.  visited a box store tonight – omg – overwhelming to my senses.  add in obnoxious loud music – feels like going to one of those Rave night clubs (which even in my 2o’s was way too much for me).  i recalled once during a power outage years ago a local box store was on back-up generator at half power, meaning half the lights were on.  it was still very doable to shop and was the first time i visited i didn’t feel overwhelmed.  we need stores that cater to the needs of people like myself – of which there are many.

here’s what else i’m seeing.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzz – feeling chill but also a bit indifferent.  it’s all becoming so disappointing and unbelievably boring.  anyone else?








humans and the furry mammals………

Zoo Animals in Dallas React to Solar Eclipse (VIDEO)





The Tree of Knowledge

Symphony of Realities April 8 Solar Eclipse Live Event with Quantum Businessman




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.