6.10.24 ~ A few finds………..Reflecting on how it is



So apparently my reflecting got scrubbed.  Completely.  That’s never happened before.

Or else we’re on a new timeline.

I don’t know – but it’s completely gone.  So I guess I will just have to paraphrase and attempt to remember what I shared about my personal feels/thoughts atm:  The energy is very weird today – last night was the most intense I have ever experienced – my Soul felt like it was literally trying to bust out of my body – the need for freedom was overwhelming.  I could see myself in my minds eyes – with what looked like sparkler type lights all around me.

Having engaged in “parts work” recently, the part of me ignored had a lot to say – namely STOP DISMISSING me.  As the sign next to me says:  SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF.

In the end we rescue ourselves.  But no one gets there alone.  Right now, however, feels like we’re all in our own space, unable to give much to anyone other than the person we probably most need to be giving to.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  It’s intense as he!! out there.  As Sister D said today, the matrix is an illusion but the war is real.  “they” p’d – no reset – so they p’d.





ok – the AI is seriously attacking my work atm – i posted other things –  updated – went through – and now THOSE are gone.


watch the water………….is this the time WE flip it on “them” – use “their” doing from 1962 for checkmate?


IRELAND FOR THE IRISH: First Ever Candidate for the Irish Freedom Party Elected to Dublin Council



Even the animals are feeling it – done being caged and used as entertainment – if ever there was a metaphor for Freedom – this is it:

WILD VIDEO: Rodeo Bull Jumps Out of Arena and into Crowd During Sold-Out Event – Then Goes on Violent Rampage Throughout the Grounds










Always those word “spells”……….














Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “6.10.24 ~ A few finds………..Reflecting on how it is”

  1. Re AI fuggery: Twitter has targeted me as a bad boy (via an alias) and of course my personal IP Address has been identified regardless of the alias having its own email address. VPN may help–I don’t know. If you or any readers in our community figure it out-please let me know. For the record–I never use expletives or say rude things one might here in a G-rated Hollywood movie–you know the goodfella mob talk?…things like C__k-S__r; or S__t head; or M___r-F___r; you know- the sorts of dirty mouthed sailor talk one might feel inclined to use when speaking about Barack or Joe’s pedo crimes. Or perhaps the sort of thing one might wish to say about Macron and his er ‘wife.’ But I did make a comment that wasn’t approved by the AI bots, and now I’m in Twitter jail. So–careful what you say when you comment V! We are in a new phase of bot-censorship. […and I thought I was teflon proof and only Alex Jones and Icke were targets!…]

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