6.16.24 ~ Finds and a Reflection……….




Had to get out of the house tonight, so we went to the local Kroger store.  I’m noticing more sales on clothing, toys, household items – ongoing.  40-50% off is typical – up to 70% on other items – many of these are summer items.  Very ready for housing to do the same.  V E R Y ready.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please help me by supporting my work with a donation of your choice.  And welcome new friends!  🥰🙏











The weather is not “normal” at all here – low 40’s at night – 50’s today and it poured all day.  Praying for my Sister Friend LM – her friend is in the area down in the bay area of Cali that is under fire watch.  Please send energies to dissipate that b.s. and to keep her friend safe.  Thank you!












Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.