6.18.24 ~ Checking in………….Finds



I am doing some energy focus around money (following a program that includes a variety of topics, then tapping/intending/seeing to clear and shift).  I was brought back to something with my paternal grandpa.  He was a very gifted jeweler but he had some issue in taking money for his work, instead resorting to bartering – usually in the form of men’s suits.  I am not sure why he did this – was there a few there over money – was there a thought that his work as a craftsman wasn’t real work (as defined by the patriarch)?  Perhaps – but there is a lot of energy there that I worked on.

It stood out for me because of my own issue in thinking – feeling – I deserve money for the work I do here (and on my buymeacoffee site).  Is it traditional work?  No.  Do some not consider it real work (including people in my own life)?  Yes.  And have others accused me of being a paytriot?  Yes.

But you know what?

FUCH all of that.  Anyone who judges me and what I do as not being “real” has no room in my life for they don’t see me, value me nor appreciate me.  And I am flat out finished with relationships like that.

Work is an activity that creates and accomplishes something – and money is the tool of exchange given by those who benefit from that activity to the one doing the creating (work).

It’s as simple as that.

And I have been allowing old and new false thoughts (that were never mine to begin with) to dictate my own value, my own worth.

Those of you who see what I do as *real* and *valuable* – and who provide that exchange in return financially – at whatever level you can afford – thank you.

What next, is where I am atm.

Here are some finds.  Follow the green button below to provide your contribution for my work.





Friends e-bay store – she is struggling $$ – spread the love:

Whispers of the sea decal co | eBay Stores


Vetted – it’s a legit image:



American microprocessor high tech stuff……..



Not that rare – every 18 years or so – still interesting considering the other sky stuff reveals/happenings atm:


Like this (interesting term – ‘awakening’):


And this – “earliest” solstice in 228 years:


This feels like a game changer:






Well, we know which party was behind slavery, the KKK…….






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.