Today’s Finds ~ 7.11.24


Before I share, I have been reflecting on changing things up here for a while now.  What would you all like to see here (aside from what I am already doing)?  I am open to ideas.  TY!  🙏  I could share more of what I do personally (scripting, videos I listen to, tapping routine/scripts, etc.).  When I figure out how to manifest money easily, I will share that too!  (along w/the abundance w/my besties)

For now, here’s what’s happening on the clown stage.




This is the. slowest. build up to the grand finale whatever it is whenever it is e v e r……….



Me reading this slowly probably sounding a big like JB trying to understand:




Few talk about how draining it is on the spirit to struggle financially.  What’s ironic for me is my income is almost double what it was when I first started this site (and my other works) and yet – back then – I could save far easier.  How long this insidious allowing of suffering…………(as my kiddo just showed me – when T was in office, 2 bedroom rental was $750.  Today it’s almost 3x that amount)


Then I see this and say THAT IS WHY I do what I do and express myself the way that I do.  THIS DID NOT NEED TO HAPPEN.  NONE of it.  A good plan includes ensuring “YOUR FAMILIES ARE SAFE”.


I continue to see only Kennedy signs around here – 3 total so far.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Today’s Finds ~ 7.11.24”

  1. Prez of Ukraine…”Putin”…Ok…”so Joe–which clone model are you anyhow?”
    Btw–I experienced eviction from a family home (mortgage was paid off–but…a shady deal and second mortgage handed the property over to Bank). No serf owns their home. It’s all an illusion–or and ‘Ill-usion.’… Update, knowing what I do know now…I would’ve barricaded the door, found a good attorney, and staged a media event and held the ground–refusing to leave! ‘Constitutional Sheriffs’ are mucho important in today’s realm–find them, and make friends!

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