8.14.24 ~ Few more end-of-day finds/headlines…………



Feels like I have to add the above words now.  Feels like the energetic veil between human and AI is so thin – there’s much more deception being played out.  What a strange place this reality is – getting stranger at times.


I hadn’t noticed the double Q in the past – interesting the html code ends with two sets of double numbers too (in my mind i hear “only in a simulation”):


Well isn’t this interesting:




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “8.14.24 ~ Few more end-of-day finds/headlines…………”

  1. The rumors and vibes are getting pretty thick. If Gesara/Nesara-QFS is going to happen–now would be a good time. Recommended food supplies-for a minimum of 10-12 days, by most recent accounts. Assange is vocal on Telegram. David Wilcock is saying next Tuesday might be the start of the global shutdown. I don’t have any way to track satellite activity; but I’ll wager, Space Force is going to be ultra-busy shutting off media satellites. I’ve had the ‘feel’ for quite some time that when the MSM goes black we will finally be at the beginning of a whole New Earth plan. God willing–all the Naztis will go poof!…Maybe the Pleiadians (who resemble us) are part of an enlightened sleeper cell alliance and will bring out the starships for a grand finale. [and we are all aware of the fakery of Blue Beam as a potential distraction as well.] Blessings!

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