8.19.24 ~ Thoughts on NEW




I don’t know what to share tonight.  I can’t go into that world.  Too chaotic – too predictable – too insulting and toxic.  My body is saying no atm – and I am honoring that.  So, what can I do?  Well considering I’ve become very selective in who I share certain personal things with as my energy is more sacred to me than anything else, I’m not sure.

I have ideas – so many of them.  I have the vision of what I want to experience – the new world.  A new experience.  Conscientious people – and at that few of them.  Clean air as in CLEAN AIR.  No smoke.  No dryer sheet smells.  Nothing toxic.  Clean air.

Clean water.

Know of the home and location.

Everything is not only possible but doable.  Easily doable.

The right to live and do as I desire and choose.

Throw a problem my way – I’ll provide a solution – whether it is already out there or not.

As I sit here, I am surrounded by beautiful words and images that make me feel good.  Oceans.  Lakes.  Mountains.  Statements – words – that inspire.  Pictures and drawings – some by my child, some by me.  I literally surround myself in things of love to transform myself into a space that aligns with my heart.

T is on the tv now talking about big business, money money money, cutting taxes, etc.  Not a gawd dayem thing aligns with Real Me.  And I know many of you feel the same.

So, what can we do about it?  Go along with it as though we are powerless and under yet just another system of control?  That’s not ok with me.  So then what?  What does this NEW look like to you?  What steps do we take together and individually to take it?

I did get something on the whole election/vote thing while on a bike ride – feels like a deep state scene – the other side of the military ops playing out.  Seriously – how many of you really want this same experience just cleaned up?  How many of you from the states feeling about voting?

How many of you want NEW?

Is your Soul crying out for new?  Calling it in?

Feels like Soul survival – for me.

I want to bring forth NEW.


I want to bring in my power and wisdom and share it.

I woke up last night – angry – deep deep seated anger – done feeling lost in an experience in which I don’t align no matter what I attempt to do or create.  Done waiting for everything I desire and am worthy of experiencing.  Done with not being valued or appreciated.  And certainly, I am done giving myself away for free.  That is big within me.  I am either viewed as someone who holds value, provides a useful needed service, and that is shown with action by those on the receiving end.  And if not, I have no time or energy to engage with anyone who does not hold that same mindset.  Energy exchange.  It’s that simple.

Which seems like a paradox considering I want an experience that holds no money systems.  But because that is still ongoing, and who knows for how long or if my desire will even have enough energy and support to make it happen, I remain open to creating NEW while using that system.  Something that is more meaningful.  And something that brings me the abundance I deserve so I can take the next step towards NEW achievement.

That’s all I have for tonight.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.