9.7.24 ~ A variety of good finds, happy finds, truthful finds….and the Feels by Memes


The illusion of choice
came close to shattering our Voice.
But now we See.
And we speak Loudly.




Energy feels off – like we’re all trying to find a place to land and stay while we’re also getting (attempts to be) tossed around like a lottery ball at the same time.

Leaving me


And a bit like this too (you know – the whole “i’m doin’ the work man – come on Universe!”:

Then I realize it’s all an illusion – and this ain’t the Universe bringing out the frustration and annoyance.


And also remember at the same time those laundry sheets still stink in it:


The paradox of everything……..is there truth?  what is it?  inside of me?  outside?  both?


Is it one giant experiment where what we focus on exists only due to our focus/attention given?  If so, how do we all get on the same page to create the same damn things we all say we want – freedom, healing?   A mass global nap where we bed-it until?  You know – if that group is thinking “it’s fall – FOOTBALL” while others in my group are thinking “it’s already fall?  UGH Football – I’m focused on puppies” (because we have NO DESIRE to have football in our reality – e v e r).  That beautiful log cabin in the forest by the ocean?  That cabin is available for $1 million and people like me say I HAVE THAT MONEY but someone who actually has it IN THAT MOMENT goes and takes it for themselves.  And the real question:  did that person actually do the work to have that money?  

Because like Bob above – how many healthy, happy, successful (financially speaking) people really do the work?  I KNOW for certain those I know haven’t.  They walking around blind and ignorant to the reality in which they reside, some still taking the jabberwacky.

How does all of this creating manifesting stuff work exactly?   Outside this place and seeps inside?  Does it only work SOME of the time?….  Seems there are favorites here doesn’t there?  Matrix simulation controlled by invisible parasites does that.

So then – What’s the frequency Kenneth?

And all that said – WE STILL HAVE THE POWER.  So keep using it!  And don’t let anyone knock you off your personal Truth path.

Stay in your own lane. Comparison kills creativity and Joy. | Brene brown quotes, Brene brown ...

Here are those finds.






Where did they go?  It’s so quiet out there…  And we’re at peak season….

NOAA predicts above-normal 2024 Atlantic hurricane season | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


That young woman could always read Ms. Steinem’s book My Life on the Road speaks of her workings with the agency………. “she served as director of the Independent Research Service, an organization funded in secret by a donor that turned out to be the CIA.”  (‘secret’ – uh huh)



Rinse and repeat – even in the skies……….



Because under the US INC there is no Constitutional Law much less recognized Federal law………


It/”they” all fall with our Fall……….We Rise as we Awaken………..


Even back in my day those f’ing things still gave me back-to-back seizures……




Same for fishing licenses, hunting, etc……FEEEEEEEEEELS


Frequency is key to everything



The NCSWIC moment timelines merge one stops original returns…….












Best for last.  🥰

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “9.7.24 ~ A variety of good finds, happy finds, truthful finds….and the Feels by Memes”

  1. Frequencies Heal–which is one reason why I feel Med Beds are real. Thanks for posting the link for the Rife doc. Some years back I stumbled on Rife’s work. This recent doc is very helpful for connecting dots with the history of Rockefeller’s “disease-capitalism” program. We are dealing with a Death Cult. No wonder we’re so unhappy and exhausted! Then the DCult comes in and injects us and pills us with THEIR antidotes for the Dis-Ease that they helped to create. Unplug, off grid, bye bye ignorance–hello New Earth!…many blessings… ps Ms Rodas is a courageous soul. I was listening to her months ago when she first hit the social net. Thank the Lord for her willingness to expose the corruption.

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