Reflecting…………..Finds………….including NIKE CEO Stepping down




I woke up before dawn today – very alert – and very in tune with what I was feeling within – which was the feeling of a serious boundary violation – how desperate my body and inner voice – inner feels – the ME within – wants and needs new.  The idea of seeing the same street and the same houses – no matter where I may head out to today – was giving me the overwhelming NO.  Just N O.  Seen it all done it all need N E W.

I don’t share this to seek help with this – I’ve put myself “out there” enough and been specific in what I seek, need and want.  That will take care of itself at a moment.  I share because perhaps others are feeling this experience (again) at this time.  Creating distractions is not a way to have an authentic experience and yet so many of us are doing just that – deep within the most quiet of spaces knowing we are waiting for something.

The whole concept of “reality is perception” is even hijacked here – created that way to ensure division by keeping the lies hidden so that new cage b.s. can be pushed on those of us who SEE behind the shadows – at least hold the desire and pursue the unseen – those of us with the abilities to expand our perceptions and question, question, question.  Today, instead of fleeing and avoiding as I sometimes do, I sat with this very uncomfortable feeling of “GET ME THE FUCH OUT OF HERE N O W” until it subsided.  Even after doing my morning meditations and exercises, I was still left feeling anger and pain, releasing tears and now, I am powering back up again, although in a quiet manner.  And tbh – I am simply exhausted – from giving – from doing and really finished with mindless talk and chatter.

I reflect on the words in the meme above.  Perhaps in that organic natural REAL energetic frequency space place whatever IT is – we don’t really NEED to depend on others as we do here.  I understand the whole “we create we are powerful” and I also understand the resisting frequency here – which is why creating can feel like a long ass journey where we have moments of amazing flow until BAM “something” enters to block it up again.  Back and forth.

What I’m saying is enough words of judgment about “you need to think/do different”.  The whole “well this is working for me I don’t get why it doesn’t work for you” division has to end.  E N D N O W.  We’ve been bullied by a lot of parasitic entities seen and unseen – bullied by government policies designed to traumatize us and keep us addicted and dependent on their systems.  Aim the energies of judgment on the bullies.  Not those getting bullied – not those doing their best to push through and continue on and do the loving self-talk.  This place ain’t natural.  You know it – I know it.  Be kind.  Be supportive.  As I have been telling others for awhile now – the only conversations I am willing to have around personal struggle are those that include “what do you need?” and “how can I help?”

Weeding out the authentic from the fake.

Here’s what I’m seeing.





Nike CEO John Donahoe Stepping Down (




I don’t know if such a supportive experience would happen around here…





I remember this from years past…………..wondered if that’s why when I think “10 4 good buddy” it indicates something………which btw heard it again this morning.  Observing…….




Personal experience verification………


Hmmm…wonder what this is about.  He’s being interviewed by Newsmax tonight at 8pm EST.



An old(ish) story that has a happy ending.


up next:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.