More sleuthing on the moon and incoming objects




You can’t make this up.  I had a nudge to look up things on the moon – and check out this MEME that literally just came up in my X feed.  😂

I remember T talking on the balcony during the eclipse lip read by The Gunner’s Wife – T saying “they” shouldn’t mess with the moon.  Something about the moon.  Let’s see the 17 posts referring to this object.  This feels like the most important one atm:



Here we have an interesting event coming up on October 5:

International Observe the Moon Night October 5 at NASA Visitor Center – NASA



Hold The Vision Trust The Process

Interstellar The Star Inside You

Cut Off The Connection To Serpants

Im Wide Awake

Activation Of The Avatar Activation Key


The Hunter’s Moon is October 17 as well.  Next month is also the anniversary of the first 17 drop on the 8chan boards – October 28, 2017 – 7 years ago.

NASA detects dangerous asteroid! Impact possible on Oct 5, 2024! But how serious is the threat?


Well, we did get a Popcorn comm today from T:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “More sleuthing on the moon and incoming objects”

  1. Re Moon: do you recall the story about the ‘metallic echo’ when NASA struck the surface(with what I cannot recall.) Then they tested it again and struck it with greater force and the echo/reverb time was much longer. I believe George Lucas modeled the Death Star on the moon, and he may have been reading some ‘interesting’ books. As a digression–but which alludes to the lies we’ve been told our whole lives–when I was at a Tibetan retreat in N. Calif many years ago, I met an older man (in excellent health who could out pace me on the forest path) who shared anti-gravity tech, and a book on the hollow Earth. As you have heard, there is a civilization in Middle Earth, and in accord with Tibetan lore, some of these beings are highly enlightened. Anyhow, back to our shared future at hand. I have had the feeling as I’m sure you and many of your readers have also had–the moon is likely a huge star ship transport, or base of some kind. It all goes back to the Anunnaki myths and so on. The details are found in the stories re Enlil and Enki-the co-called Mesopotamian ‘gods.’ I believe that Zecharia Sitchin was on the right track, but may also have been instructed to throw a few curve balls into the suggested narratives re human origin. Recently I was listening to Karen Hudes (whistleblower-former World Bank insider) who revealed that we are not descended from apes, but more likely-the descendants of the cetaceans. Which is notable for the fact that the ‘cabal’ has been polluting and upsetting the ocean’s ecosytems for the last century-to include introducing advanced sonar tech which interferes with the navigational intelligence of the Whales etc. So-while we HUmans above ground are being seriously F__d! with and cancelling the pineal function (and coming to rely on AI for GPS), our sea brothers are also being targeted with harmful tech which interferes with the ability to navigate their sea-home. I come back to the question: what are these anti-biological entities,aka Cabal members? Are they homo-saps, or replicants?…or just Reptilian consciousness in HUman form? Re DJT buying popcorn–I hope he”ll learn about corn being the most GMO-altered food on the market. In fact, the new corn causes sterility. Once again alluding to the Biophobes destructive agenda. We are living in times of great disclosure. Most of what we were taught in school was just a “program”, and I call this the Big Lie. Blessings!

    1. yes – i agree with you on sitchin……….the moon – so many theories – it is said it is a mirror image of earth when you align the craters to our continents. i have had a sense that it’s the place to trap the soul/consciousness upon the physical death – hence the bright white illuminating light. or could be as my late friend john said – a repi alien holding a flashlight. 🙄😂

  2. Right…too many theories- and still the mystery remains a mystery. Truly confounding considering all the intel resources we “should” have access to. My take is that the fact that our moods and emotional state of mind are affected by the phases of the moon needs to be researched further. In this light–the moon could be a mind control device. We homo saps seem to be dumbed down for a reason. pax

    1. oh absolutely it is/was used against us. that thing has nothing benevolent to it at all. i used to do ceremony around it and could feel the juice/loosh. when my eyes opened up further – it went from feeling good to feeling ugh.

      1. It’s a good thing to cultivate the whole brain and our ESP isn’t it?…What if we had schools (Rudolph Steiner) that encouraged these skills?

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