10.2.24 ~ Finds, checking in



I’m questioning the plan once again, this time it’s about money.  Why are we trusting yet another new financial system?  Even if it’s going to be run by people who are allegedly decent humans (and even at that – I think we need to see some proof of that before trusting ANY system presented to us again – that’s my advice and overly strong opinion), who the frig says we need yet another group of people – mostly white men – telling us what kind of a monetary system we will be given.

Why not put it to a vote?  Let We The People pick.

Do we even want a monetary system?

Do we want any system – no matter how cleaned up.

Energy.  Education.  Etc. etc.

If evil invisible enemies are being cleared out along with their human minions, doesn’t that leave room for something altogether new?

Or….is humanity by and large even capable of such a way of living/being much less thinking?  Is this going to end up with yet another reality where I and others like me feel left out, out of place, wondering when is OUR vision of paradise going to be doable much less “allowed”?

Under this new system – can we truly go off grid and be left alone?  Can we build as we want?  Can we create and have our own form of bartering?

How many of us are in alignment with freedom or bust?

How many of us are ready?

How many of us have sat back and waited for someone else to bring it forth?

How many more questions will my brain toss my way?  😜😂

As I read tonight by a fellow truther – I am becoming more intolerant to things of this world.  An energetic separation.

Here’s what I’m seeing before I get too lost in the questions.  Remember to share and donate – let me know how you’re doing.  Something – anything – a “Hey V still here” suffices.  😂





Just as I check in online, this pops up first.  Synch?  Yeah, maybe.  My mind wants to ask (and did) – but how do you KNOW this?  Brain needs proof at this point………


….the Basel III Accords require banks to hold more gold and other high-quality assets to prevent financial crises, which can have a significant impact on gold demand and prices:









“NEWS UNLOCKS MAP” feeeeeeeels………..?



denied last year………….”re-emerge”…….?  we’ll see – or not………








May be an image of text

we need to contact our government elected officials and demand the following:

1) VISA cards loaded up to a minimum of $50,000 for each person.
2) ALL NG Personnel returned back to the states and sent there for search and rescue and clean up.
3) 24/7 coverage until what is needed is received.
May be an image of ‎map and ‎text that says '‎82"00"W Based 48-Hr QPF for Produced 9/26 on PROVISIONAL dataa taand considered reference only. 8100W 00z 9/28 00z מיסט"63 Rainfal Weather rService totals based National WPC) Rainfall i 2024 4ROmED 8pmEDT calculated NWS depihs NOAAAtlas 14 published storm event 121 YADKIN 6400W 83'09 ☬ >ESP 0510 20 Miles Storm Event Rainfall Probability <1yr 10-25yr 1-2yr 2.5v 2-5yr 5-10yr 82-00W 200 -500yr 500 500-1000yr 1000 1000yr 50 -10 100yr yr 100 200 Rainfaill Depth Contours 8100W Major Corridors Municipalities Counties úiver 48-Hr Rainfall Forecast Map (QPF Data) Ending Sept. 27 8pm EDT Hurricane Helene‎'‎‎
[[[ ⚠️ ]]] This post contains traumatic content. Stop reading if you need to.
I am not even close to being able to tell the story of the last 5 days in Swannanoa.
What I will say to people who are not in the hardest hit areas of WNC is that there are still huge gaps in communication and many of the worst things that happened have probably not been reported or even understood yet. People are sharing first hand accounts in person or by text that make it clear to me that there are still many, many fatalities that have not yet been discovered or confirmed.
I have personally spoken to people who have dug living and dead people out of a mudslide, seen their neighbors swept away by water, and seen bodies that haven’t been able to be recovered. We have heard stories from Montreat, Grovemont, Beacon Village, Botany Woods – these areas are miles apart from each other and each place really different from the others. A child told me he saw three houses slide down a slope into his neighborhood. Friends had to claw their way to safety with their 7 year old while their neighbors died in the river below them.
And that’s only what we’ve managed to glean about places here in the Swannanoa Valley from communicating with people we know and are directly encountering. It looks like there are multiple other parts of the region horribly hard hit – Marshall, Chimney Rock (“there’s nothing there”), Celo, maybe? Places they haven’t yet reached in Transylvania County? Haywood? So many roads blown out and who knows what’s on the other side. My sister and I each heard from nurse friends who have been working in different hospitals 50 miles apart that it is like a war zone.
As internet connections have returned we are seeing pictures of whole neighborhoods submerged, no doubt with residents in their homes. We don’t even begin to know the full extent of this yet.
Western North Carolina is full of creeks, rivers, gulleys, and all manner of flowing water. Roads and neighborhoods are often called “___ Creek” – Haw Creek, Bent Creek, Garren Creek, Gap Creek to name a few in Buncombe County. Communities are often named after the river that flows through them like South Toe in Yancey or Tuckaseigee in Jackson County. We have hollers and steep coves. We have steep terrain and windy 2-lane or 1-lane roads.
Here many people live in trailers. Houses and trailers are often down at the end of a road or tucked in a cove or in a neighborhood along a creek or river or down at the bottom of a valley or on a slope. Towns were built along rivers and neighborhoods tucked in here and there as towns and communities grew. Realtors highlight “bold creek” in home listings as a selling point. Trailer parks are often near creeks or rivers and many houses and roads are near streams, creeks, and rivers.
Sometimes things flood here. Certainly we had our share of flood struggles during the 15 years I lived on a small farm in a river valley. But this event was nothing we would have ever thought possible.
Our neighborhood and the whole Swannanoa Valley is in the purple zone of this map, where the chance of getting this amount of rainfall in 48 hours was once in 1000 years. Which maybe just means no one’s ever seen anything like that and there’s no precedent in history. Streets, neighborhoods, places have been wiped off the map. People had no chance to escape.
Schools are closed indefinitely. People are not even close to being able to go to work. We are focused on: Food. Water. Medication. Transportation. Hygiene. Who is alive. Who is missing. Who is dead. I feel like we are very much still in triage and cleanup hasn’t even really begun.
Please keep paying attention and drawing attention if you are not from here. This is going to be a long haul.
I am so profoundly grateful for community and the way people are showing up for each other here. How can we find a way through this unfathomable experience?




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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