The feeeeeeeeeeeeeels and finds




May be an image of text


My gawd.

The mental fatigue.


Like a slug moving through molasses at slow speed while right close is chaotic churning fast moving (but not really going anywhere) energy.

One of you beautiful soul’s texted me this morning saying you aligned with what I said last night (last post).  I paused and thought “what did I say?”  I didn’t remember – had to check tonight to see.  Ok then – I still feel all that.

I continue to sense two timelines – neck to neck now – discerning what is “truth” and tuning in to get total accurate impressions and feels is very challenging atm.  I just know what I want.

This storm – hurricane milton (which I shall do a gematria on) continues to feel odd too and would be a good opportunity to stop it suddenly – pause it – let the world see.  That would wake up everyone.  It’s as though everyone is focused on this storm atm – more than any other storm.  That has to indicate *something*.

It continues to feel interesting to me that the timing of this aligns with 10/10 which could indicate the finale.  That’s how I would do it.  But I am not the only one here so as always, I remain theorizing and focused on how I want to see this go because someone is in charge and if not me and us who then?


Here’s what I’m seeing.







Gematria: Hurricane Milton

Four Four Four


Get Ready To Fiesta


Interesting html end code on this – 144:


Minute by minute reminder for us all:


Hey my friends from other places – is this hurricane in your news?  Just wondering if all eyes are on this thing…..








Tampa is one of “their” 15 minute cities:

The RISE OF TAMPA’S Newest Sensation (⏳”the 15 minute city”, 🚶walkability, 💪 health, 🏬 mixed-use) (



Maybe this is part of what I’ve been feeling the last 2 days………


Another X class flare fired off yesterday……….

The sun fires off another powerful X flare, triggering radio blackouts across the Americas (video) (



Oh that’s right – I just remembered – Dutch (who is dropping a lot of truth bombs on X the last 2 days) said the most interesting thing last night – and I should have listened to my instincts which said “screen capture it” – because it’s since been removed.  He said he keeps getting the vibe that we will have a supernatural event soon that will essentially get everyone’s attention.



And this – the gist of it is NOAA changed the terminology in weather modification because, you know, people are really waking up to this now – and they have to downplay it – now weather modification is our friend………..



T shared that post above at 7:22 – here’s the Q post (possible) decode:



For some reason, this came up on my scrolling/searching last night – I shared it – and he (VK) liked it.  Something off about that return……


Well, we know “they” removed the bells for a reason or two:  Frequency.

May be an image of text



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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