That big club of “theirs” continues to spin as it is exposed. Today’s Finds: 11.25.24




That big club that we ain’t a part of.  The club that continues to expose itself in the form of big accounts who like to show off the tens of thousands they are making each month – much of that just due to people clicking the like button when the big cult leader asks “am i being seen?  If so, click the like button.”  I didn’t know that simple act brings them money if enough people click.  At least be transparent about it.  But I forget at times – the energy and thus doing of evil hides.  So I say come here – I don’t hide.  I tell it like it is.  And if I were to be bringing in over $10k a month here – I’d be doing something with a percentage of that money – helping people – instead of saying “lookie at me making all this money off of you!”  Sick.  We get out of this place when exactly?  Or at least away FROM “them” WHEN?

Long night – again.  Little sleep.  Again.  Woke up at 3am then 4am then finally at 5am got up – something said to check X – first thing I see – literally first dayem thing I see is someone saying “i cannot sleep!” followed by a few others I more or less know IRL saying the same – while also saying this persons statement of “i cannot sleep” also being the first thing they saw.

All indicators of a matrix – a game of some sort – with something of US outside of this place.

Here’s things I’m seeing hopefully showing END GAME.  Can we speed it up though?  I mean if we all just stop participating – like participating in FULL – don’t go to work – don’t pay bills – just S T O P and do what John Lennon did and sit in bed and don’t do a dayem thing – would that be enough?





Love is the real value here.  So all of that other “stuff” will now be below the examples of love and healing.




THIS.  Beautiful!  She deserves this and so much more.  75 hours a week – means she is probably hardly seeing her babies.  😭   THIS IS SO WRONG.  Enrages me when I see the above-mentioned big ones on stage showing off their online incomes – and some people born with a silver spoon in their hand like DJT Jr. griping online about people crying “victimhood”.  They can seriously stfu and get off the stage so others with a HEART and mean$ can show ’em how Real Love and Awakening is done.  Had FAR TOO MUCH NARCISSISTIC EGO for one lifetime.



Oh the feeeeeeeeeeeels on this one:


Yup.  Apparently if you aren’t on X premium (paying Elon) you’re a “little bitch”.  He’s outing himself for sure now.  I say – be a f’ing proud little bitch.













Yup – the white walls – seen those before.  And the echo in his voice indicates empty room.  Consensus amongst those discussing is this was taped awhile back – the original – seeing an actor since.  In fact, I’ve been waking up thinking for days now – most everything if not EVERYTHING we see for those disclosure eyes is a movie with one purpose, all done by the military.


And that – like I told a local friend recently – they put the truth in the movies – then when people begin to get it and see and speak about it the media and system(s) say “FAKE NOPE”.





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.