DOGE $5,000 b.s.


Only those who pay income tax this year (this year only) get $5,000.

How many are unemployed?

How many paid last year but won’t this year?

How many don’t make enough to pay taxes on their income?

And it’s only $5,000 per household.

For 79 million people.

This is pathetic.

This is another discriminatory act against the poorest.

How many of those 79 million are wealthy?

Doing quite nicely?

They need more $$?

I don’t think so.

Starting to regret that November 2024 vote as I am seeing NOTHING that will actually benefit EVERYONE – especially the poor and forgotten.

And what about ending the IRS?

Putting an end to the personal income tax?

What about making FOOD and HOUSING affordable again?

Isn’t that more important?

What about the fraudulent taxes we pay on insurance and utilities?  My god my water bill alone is over 30% in “fees” (they’re really taxes).  Been paying those ridiculous “fees” for 20 years.

I don’t get any of that back?


When I have to make a choice between buying food and paying a c.c. bill – long enough – which is where I am now – you’re damn right I’m going to come out on stage raging to get some of these questions answered.  And if this “plan” wishes for my support, they can help me find a GOOD PAYING job.  For even full time min. wage is not enough to afford housing.  Well, if I want to eat, pay utilities and wash my hair.  SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!!!!



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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