2.28.25 ~ Reflecting on “The PILL must be easy to SWALLOW”….


We’ve all seen this one:


I’ve been reflecting on this statement for a long time now.  And I keep coming back to that same feeeeeel within that tells me this is false.  The human brain is FAR more resilient than what this statement refers to.  We are talking about trauma here – how it impacts the mind, the body through the nervous system’s processing OF it.  I know about this topic after having lived through enough trauma for 5 lifetimes – and learning techniques to understand, process and heal from it.  In short – IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN.  Because I am not nearly as resilient as some people think I am.  I am seriously challenged these days.

I think back to my own experiences.  Some truths I searched for – others were thrown at me.  9/11 was thrown at us – and while I did a lot of digging in the weeks that followed – the trauma of that day was something I was able to handle.  Then there was an event that happened in my state – someone I knew locally who served in government who had a horrifying experience happen to her.  It was all over the news where she was painted as a heathen, a junkie.  I struggled to believe that, and it was only after she shared with me what had really happened did my mind pull one of the biggest “OMG THIS CANNOT BE TRUE” maneuvers.  It was so difficult to grasp for me – I was depressed for several weeks – difficult it was for me to even leave the house.

But you know what?  I GOT THROUGH IT.


No one was holding my hand or saying everything was going to be ok.

I remember the time I was watching something on the otherwise benign local OPB – where there was a symposium of scientists who were talking about overpopulation (which at the time I was lost in that narrative).  One of the scientists talked about the need to reduce it and one such idea was to release a virus.  What followed was a standing ovation.  I however was stunned.  I had to turn it off.  And again, process that horrid comment on my own as I began to think “What kind of a person would not only have that idea but applaud for it?”

Again – I GOT THROUGH IT on my own.

Let’s really think about this.  Trauma is trauma.  It doesn’t matter WHAT the trauma is – what matters is how the nervous system responds TO it.  The horrors done to the children are pretty well known to anyone with a thinking brain.  Drips on this have been pushed into the online community and media for years now.  Even if they are denied by the propagandists – THAT SEED WAS STILL PLANTED.  

This is why I deeply question – and feel SO off about within – as to WHY we have not yet seen the BIG PILLS of truth dropped.  While millions of us wait – so many suffering unnecessarily – alone at that – experiencing further trauma through the stress of paying to live with costs that have outpaced our incomes and means TO keep up – this “plan” to slow drip in order to make the pill(s) easy to swallow for the “normies” is inexcusable bullshit at this point.  

Maybe in the end I will be wrong about that.  All I have to go by is my understanding of trauma and the brain and my own experiences of seeing the Truth.  And as someone whom some may (and have) call as “karen” in terms of my emotional fluidity – because I am after all human and not a machine – IF I CAN HANDLE THE TRUTHS I HAVE SEEN AND THE SHEOT I HAVE EXPERIENCED IN THIS WORLD then so can those who at this point are willfully choosing NOT TO SEE.  Those of us who have chosen otherwise are owed the RIGHT to have it all drop so we can BRING IN THE NEW we DESPERATELY need.

And as I told one of the bigger voices on stage last night who was defending the above Q post – and as I said he may be right – it was his attitude towards those who think as I do and have shared above that was grossly off.  Our feelings – our experiences – our well-being and our lives matter too – every bit as much as those Q refers to in the post above.  And instead of judging us and talking down to those who are begging and crying “PLEASE JUST END THIS” – ask them what you can do to help them.  To criticize and judge shows they aren’t seeing the true meaning in this Awakening.  And they have also forgotten this other even more important Q statement:  NO ONE ABOVE ANOTHER.

No one above another.

Thank you for reading.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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