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I was having a conversation with my girl last night, the topic focused on anxiety. How many deal with this, often in private, in silence, because even though it’s a pretty mainstream, accepted condition to speak of, many still carry the thoughts and energies of shame around it.
She told me she read about people who have anxiety are “toxic”.
So we discussed just what is meant by “toxic”.
Is toxic behavior harmful? Is it cruel? Abusive? Unfair? Unjust?
We talked about what toxic looks like.
As we spoke, I helped her see that anxiety itself isn’t toxic. Anxiety is a feeling our bodies hold coupled with thoughts of fear, shame, not being good enough, not being worthy, fear of not having enough, fear of not doing enough. WILL I BE GOOD ENOUGH AND DO ENOUGH TO FEEL AND BE OK IN THE WORLD?
I told her, as someone who has dealt with anxiety since I was a young child, that I was never the problem, just like she isn’t the problem. We were never the toxic. No. It is the system that is toxic. Pay to live. Compete. Must keep up and stay ahead of the game. The race.
The bills we are required to pay just to survive.
Companies allowed to charge whatever the fuch they want.
It creates a slave/master toxic soup.
Nope, slavery never ended.
It just expanded – making all of us slaves.
Deep down we know it.
And it is our anxiety that lets us know.
So as I told her – again – she is not what is toxic. Her anxiety is not toxic. It’s a natural response to a toxic reality.
And to deal with that involves telling yourself those words, loving yourself first, being kind to yourself and to others.
But also take no sheot because this is, after all, a toxic reality run by psychopaths who pit us against one another in the simple (yet twisted and complex) task of paying and competing to live.
Anxiety por moi = today’s hostile letter from building management due to my altruistic efforts to feed a stray (abandoned) cat. The tone of the letter was hostile and offensive. The inference was that I am attracting rodents and disease. Meanwhile, the elderly ‘jabbed ‘apartment dwellers are super spreaders–and they are toxic conduits for all sorts of viral mutations. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. pax!