I awoke – itching – again. Clearing. Purging.
I began thinking of so many thoughts and images we have been fed – thoughts of doubt. Evil thoughts. Impure.
All of this evil and horror, the darkness being exposed it not just happening “out there”. It is also coming up and out of us.
And it’s ok to see it so we can let it go. So we can return to who we are.
We are pure.
For We are Divine.
The heart knows and will take us back to our Purity.
It is time to know what is you and what is not.
Not to judge the thought.
Just to know – that did not come with ME.
From me in this now, yes.
But it did not come WITH Me.
It is a challenging time for many of us right now energetically. I have spoken with several people today and all have agreed they feel like they are about ready to pop. Feeling uncomfortable and as I recently said “in a vice” are common experiences. I have an image in my mind where I see myself stretched out – arms and legs out – with this bright orange and yellow light all around me. It’s almost like I am being electrocuted and I am cringing, screaming at times “I cannot take this anymore stop already!”
That is how I have seen myself in recent days. I don’t wish this on anyone but I gotta say it is validating to hear and read others are experiencing the same.
I was able to go about 7 hours today before I needed to crash for an hour nap.
Upgrades in the past were easier, weren’t they?
I feel I am growing wings out my back and out my front. The itching is intense at times!
I have also noticed the past couple of days ~ I don’t want to eat much. My child is having the same experience as well. Maybe some tea and fruit. I have eaten more but had the thought in the shower ~ maybe I am eating more out of habit. And perhaps I really am prepping to transition to the new dimension – the new frequency – to this “I know you’re there I can feel you where are you already!” New Earth where our eating habits will be different. Eating will be less about survival and more about simple pleasure. Mind is still trying to comprehend that one.
Earlier this evening my mate and I were talking all of this new reality/new earth stuff. We desperately need some changes. We need some health issues truly cared for – fully. We need to increase our income. We are doing the best we can in all of this as we always have ~ and yet making this happen “out there” is a totally different experience now. And yet….As we said – if all of this is just an illusion – we can’t keep going the way we are.
We both know – something needs to shift – internally and indeed externally.
The cork about ready to pop. That is where I am. That is where many of us are. Here is a link to a couple of pieces that I have already linked here in recent days. However I want to share them again just as a reminder that this “Event” is really about to hit. I FEEL it. I know many of you do as well. It’s a growing collective feel.
What’s beautiful ~ to me ~ is what happened while I was reading it. I was reading the part about the Galactic’s ~ our ancestor’s as I like to call them who decided not to take a ride in this cycle “down here” (we ROCK star brother’s and sister’s for making it this far ~ a TRUE respite and restoration is needed and forth coming and very much deserved) ~ anyway as I was reading about them in this piece my girl comes running out of her bedroom. “Mama the doorbell to my dollhouse went off again!” she said, her eyes wide.
The doorbell. I began to laugh as chills ran through me.
That doorbell began going off by itself about 2 years ago – usually at night. This went on for 6 months before stopping. It recently began going off again. When it began going off 2 years ago I had just received awareness of The Event and where all of this “stuff” I had been gathering/gleaning/learning of for almost 20 years was about. At the time I was elated but also frustrated. Why was this damn thing going off on its own?
During this time, while listening to an online radio podcast on Ascension and similar topics, a woman called in saying her doorbell to her house had started going off. One of the guests, an intuitive and channeler said this was one of the ways our galactic family communicated with us. I had already received the welcome hello with a telepathic visit by a light ship/orb years back. Apparently I needed more communication’s to remind me that I am more than just Victoria, born into this realm.
We all are.
For now ~ wow and WHEW!
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Greetings Victoria,
Remember too that we are creators of our own reality. I am sure you have come across the oft-referenced truth that energy goes to wherever we focus. That is one of the means (?) that has been used against Man.
By believing / seeing ourselves as ‘needing’ we create ‘lack’, like holding fast to the illusion of limited resources. I am sure you know in your core that ‘lack’ is an illusion. It arises from competitive mind (the ‘divide and conquer’); looking outwards and feeding the illusion of ‘lack’, rather than to our inner knowing that we choose physicality to grow the soul of Man. We always have free-choice to be in perfect health, wealth.
I butted in simply because of your reference to ‘needing’, Victoria.
Remember too that with beloved Trump and his soul-alliance (?) taking down the ‘Cabal’ of many labels, THIS glorious year we shall know health, wealth and peace on Earth as all that was withheld and inverted against Man is being set free.
I am enjoying your writings and sharing. Thank you Victoria.
well this feeling of needing *could* be due to all that was hidden and withheld from us that created these states of needs which lead to the experience of lack. creating our own reality – fully – in the purest sense of the word – includes the freedom to do just that and we all know we have not had that freedom. but it is being returned, as you said. free choice without full freedom is not free choice – but a condensed version of it. all of that said we all have needs. it is what makes us human. i would hardly tell a child they have no needs. i would hardly tell the homeless person their need for shelter is a false belief. etc. etc. it serves no purpose, imho.