Editor’s note: The past few morning’s I have awoken with the feel that April 1st was going to be the start of something permanent and significant.
Amanda Lorence
Timelines are perceived by some as linear (past, present, future). In truth they are non-linear as many of you know (all occurring simultaneously in the NOW).
At this point in the collective MASS awakening and ascension timeline on GAIA, the Lemurian timeline and the Human 2018 timeline will become ‘timeless’. Whether this is a physical sight and solid appearance, or whether it is that REAL-TIME telepathic communication begins in EARNEST between Lemurian energies and many humans, I do not know. We will know soon.
The dates 1-7 April are significant. I don’t work with dates, so that KNOWING in itself shows me the huge significance. It is significant for each human based on their chosen path. It is extremely clear, since recent shift at Equinox, that “It is done”, “All is ready”, “Each have chosen”. This means that all plays out perfectly for each individual facet as chosen at their higher level. There is no right or wrong, just experience. And each will contribute to this period accordingly. 1-7 April is significant for each human to absorb and take FULL responsibility for their individualised thoughts and actions during that time period. Advice would be to use your own INTUITION and not what others (including me) say…only you know YOU, your path, your journey. Another does not know YOU as well as you know YOU. Listening to your inner guidance will show each human HOW to focus through 1-7 April, if they quieten down and listen within. Many will not quieten sufficiently to hear their inner guidance system, yet the cruder nudges of intuition and gut feelings are easier to pick up on to assist each person…should they choose to act upon themselves. I repeat, 1-7 April is significant. Yet I do not know why or how yet. I’m passing on this definite forecasted timeline, well in advance…in order that each are aware, to choose how to be ahead of time, to adjust, balance, quieten, be the neutrality…if you chose such focus. Always a choice. No judgement exists, except within you.
1-7 April, I will be offline merging consciousness directly with GAIA assisting her as this energy. I’ll be working energetically with inter-galactic energies also. Of course, if info arrives within 1-7 April dates, I will hop on here to pass on.
It’s all moved up a notch since the recent Equinox; we’ve shifted, the incoming patterns have altered (new energy patterns within our physical bodies, new colour sequences and patterns incoming to Gaia) and all our human collective work across the planet reflects that shift. So many humans are assisting with precise focus in these significant times.
One Love.
AL 23 March 2018