Yes! Trump did it Again! And a Disinfo Op Uncovered! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening


Thank you ~ I think to Robin ~ for sending.  (it’s been a day…lol)



I’m glad #QAnon posted this. I grabbed a screen of this anon earlier, saving it for an upcoming post, but it’s nice to see that Q actively watches and engages with the board.

Q’s drop was on the 6th.

The attack was on the 13th.

That’s a 7-day delta.

If you go back to April 3rd, you’ll find Q’s first mention of April Showers.

So that’s a 10-day delta.

Either way, Q is saying they were already planning on attacking at least SOME of the targets that got hit last night.

But when you combine it with the Sparrow Red drops, the picture looks a bit clearer.

#POTUS and Q team got some kind of intel – most likely from a flipped Russian spy – that gave them more than they had previously, and they needed to verify whether it was accurate.

The new intel gave them even more targets, and made the attack even more effective.

And what did they end up hitting last night?

Continue reading here.  (it is a very long, highly detailed read)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Yes! Trump did it Again! And a Disinfo Op Uncovered! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening”

  1. I am so tired of not telling the truth. It makes me sick. When I watched the Syria video of trump I actually got pain in my heart. It was so not him.
    I AM so tired of it all. I AM tired of the weather engineering especially no Sun, which I thrive on.
    Going into the vault to recharge.

    1. i hear you and feel you sister. DITTO DITTO DITTO. i have one piece of me that says be real be honest no deception – and yet i also know when it comes to this level of (supposedly allegedly) taking down a monster there has to be strategy which involves levels of deception – lies – for the better good. supposedly. i much prefer honesty. SUN NOW TOO!! weary of hearing folks talking of this ascension crap telling us to get into the sun and soak up the energies. recharge….i am there myself. <3

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