Experiences, Reflections/Insights for Saturday 4/19/18


You know what’s going to be uber awesome?  Not needing to keep track of dates, times, hours, etc.  Oooooooh bring that now please ~ not just in my brain which has almost zero sense of any of that anymore.  This coming from the solid Capricorn who always knew the day/date/time, how much was in my checking account down to the penny and today?  Well it just doesn’t matter much to me.

So anyway tribe…today’s experience journey actually begins at 2am last night, so officially still 4/19.  I was getting ready for bed and noticed a spider in the bathroom.  I was not comfortable going to bed knowing it was going to be crawling around the house (it’s just a thing with me, ok?).  Normally I could catch and release but I was too tired to do that.  I also did not want to squash it.  So I sighed and spoke out loud.  “I see you there.  And I acknowledge you.  You know what though?  I am not comfortable with you crawling around my house and I have no desire to kill you and am too tired to catch you and let you go.  So could you please just do me a favor and go back to where you came from?  I would be so appreciative if you did that.”

I had NO attachment to this and had ZERO thought this would work. Because it has never worked for me.

But this time IT DID.  As soon as I stopped talking, that spider spun a web, dropped itself down on top of my dryer and crawled away.  Just like that!


I was so giddy I about woke up the rest of the house with my enthusiasm.

I need not be surprised over this though.  As the energies change us ~ they change the All.  And we are now becoming more in tune with our environment ~ with the animals and all sentient beings.

I had a new earth experience today ~ at the same time my mate did (unbeknownst to us both at the time).  The first time I had a dream of this new earth realm, I was making sandwiches for my daughter (who at the time had not been born ~ nor was I pregnant with her yet) and a group of other kids.  Peanut butter sandwiches, of which I manifested all necessary ingredients with my mind only.  My mate had the same dream about a year later.  At the time we were not familiar with the new earth or 5D concept and were not on the Ascension bandwagon either.

So….This afternoon our girl had a friend over and I made them sandwiches (tuna).  As I began preparing, something called me to “remember this experience” and to imagine myself in the kitchen of the new house ~ bringing me back to the first dream (which was not just a dream).  As I did, I could feel the wonky feeling in my body.

At this time, my mate was outside, aware I had gone in to make the kids sandwiches.  As I did, he said he suddenly had this thought to “remember this experience” and to focus on being in the new earth realm ~ at our house.  It was easy for him to go there.  Later on, I told him of my experience and we had another “no WAY!  I did the same thing at the same time!”

I am connecting with more people at this moment who are feeling this shift and feeling how fast it is going energetically.  We are feeling “by June” as a time frame.  That is what I have heard myself.  And earlier, my friend who also communicates with Clair texted me saying he had tuned in with her and she said he most definitely would be swimming at his lake house in the new realm this summer.

I pause as I type this.

What else is there to say?  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.