I was in the shower earlier, pondering the term Service. It comes up a lot in these channels. Service to self. Service to others. … as though we have to pick. I have written on this topic before and have come to the feeeeeeeeeeling conclusion that all we can do ~ and are created to do ~ is Serve ~ from the heart ~ for that is when it is Authentic Service. That’s it. No “service to self” is better or “service to others” is better.
I felt this all out and words that I have read went through my mind ~ how so many of us, indeed myself included, have judged others for being service to self. We have judged ourselves for being service to self. We have judged the unawakened masses for being self-serving. Only concerned with his or herself.
And yet ~ when I felt this out ~ I could “see” how we as a whole, awakening, awakened and the unawakened, have done nothing but serve others/another ~ in such a way that it is damaging and therefore not truly service but I have no other word to use so I will stick with the term as is. The entire system was created to ensure we serve the master/mistress. We serve the boss to make the money to ensure our physical survival needs are met. We serve our children, our mates/partners. How many of us have the ongoing desire of “I wish I could do more for myself!” Truly desiring to have more of our heart’s desires met.
I think it’s quite amazing there has not been a huge revolt against our service to the system just to survive. Aren’t we just DONE with it all?
The awakened? The unawakened? Left? Right? Black, white and in between?
Aren’t we all just DONE with serving THEM so they can live as they please as a service-to-self entity? What about us and our needs? They are every bit as valuable. We are every bit as worthy.
I feel anyone speaking of how we need to become Service to Others (in this current paradigm) needs to stop and rethink and refeel their words. Service needs to be redefined and felt out again and part of doing that MUST come from putting an end to ALL forms of pay-to-live and enslavement and power-over so we CAN be in the pure space to know again what Service truly is. For even when one does become purely and authentically a true Service-oriented Being (to self and others), they are still having to pay-to-live, still part of this realm/system.
Freedom is more than just a state of mind and feeling. For freedom to be fully authentic and legitimate, it also must include an end to all systems that violate its very principles.
It also must include an awareness, an understanding, in how each of us entrapped by this system, is doing the best we can. The very systems that exhaust us, at least many of us, make it difficult to serve others outside of the slave masters.
Change the within. Change the without. Both are necessary to reclaim our authentic knowing and state of Being that wishes to truly Serve.
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