A blunt reflection of reality


We have people in congress who are doing whatever the hell they want without consequence (certainly not visible to you and I).  They steal.  They harvest.  They harm.  They lie.  They deceive.  And their story continues to play out while suffering continues on.

And we’re just supposed to find our  happy space and trust without question.

In my city there are drugged out homeless people who crap and pee anywhere they want.  They verbally assault and accost citizens, including the children – all without consequence.  They can sleep wherever they want. They break into cars daily and trespass.  Again – ALL WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE.  (unless you consider arrest, then get out hours later then fail to show up for court thus enacting a warrant where the individual then goes into hiding at one of the numerous homeless drug camps where even at that if they do happen to be arrested again, they go through the same damn cycle)  Revolving broken system of injustice.

And then there is me.  I choose to homeschool my child and yet some damn ‘tard reports me to the state – and now I get monitored.

Can you tell I have done plum HAD IT with the dark here?  That I have HAD IT with deception and behaviors that harm that continue on?

And yet we are to blindly trust we’re getting out and things are happening.

I feel like Charlie Brown when he gets fed up with the insanity of the holiday’s and cries out “DOESN’T ANYONE KNOW WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT?”  Only I am crying out “aren’t others fed up with what’s going on and want their OWN version of reality to manifest instead of those with some plan?”  When will it truly become about the individual freedom to create FREELY?  I command it.  I intend it.  

N O W.

I had a dream last night where I felt I was inside the matrix seeing things from that vantage point.  It literally was a circus and I could see people plugged in to it – almost obsessed with seeing this movie we are being shown.  And it was indeed a movie.  And while I “got it” in terms of its purpose – I wanted no part of it so I walked out.

As I told my mate last night – I have found the exit door – and I am done pounding on it.  I am searching for tools to break it down.  The alleged help we are receiving on the outside is not moving fast enough.  It is time for us to go within and break ourselves free.  Am I impatient?  Am I being too demanding?  Maybe.  And maybe not at the same time.

Maybe I really am done now.  Seen enough.  So tired of not fitting in.  If not aligning.  Of desperately wanting an experience that truly aligns with who I am.

And who I am is feeling exceptionally out of place now.  And now that the one person (outside of this house) here in town who knew who I really was – and still liked me enough to want to include me in his daily life – is gone.

So what’s the point?

End of rant.  lol



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.