A brief reflection on the recent LMH video


i’ve been feeling into this one for a couple of hours now – this concept that we have to continue to purge until the end.  in other words – struggle and suffer.  what/who would want us to struggle until we get out of the game of control?  the creator’s of the game.  i’m just not feeling “right” within about this.

if they can take our consciousness – take a piece of that energy and insert it here in these avatars – then GOOD can use that same “technology” (or whatever method) and pull us out and reinsert back into our Real Bodies.  (this is using the premise that our real bodies are at home – something LMH and Rose both say – and until i possibly know different, is my feel/theory as well)  the question:  what is “leaving” here?  these bodies with our consciousness or just our consciousness?

i feel they are poking at us making these physical bodies suffer.  the astral realm is said to be cleaned up/closed down and yet how did the entities who reside there – who play their trauma scenes while we sleep – how did they not get removed in that closing down/cleaning up?  isn’t this a TOTAL CLEAN UP?  why were they allowed to stay inside this realm?

yeah….not feeling ok about this.

i don’t feel we have an obligation or responsibility to do “work” in order to remove any of the sheot that THEY put into US – especially when “THEY” have all of the knowledge and we are just more or less flying blind – going by perception, reflection and feeling only.

perhaps it is time to say “nope – that is just a program.  it’s an illusion.” and focus on something that brings us joy.  pleasure.  happiness.  laughter.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “A brief reflection on the recent LMH video”

  1. I resonate with your feelings, Victoria.
    Have been having similar doubts about being actually distracted and put on pause, so that our consciousness can be utilized, or taken advantage of in some ways.
    Another thing that have been really disturbing in my view is nearly under every video of lisa there are comments (if not one, sometimes two or three) of someone called lucifer star.
    I’ve noticed on Rose’s channel and other channels comments of luciferians and satanist are being deleted or not allowed, but on lisa’s chanel, this has been a consistent pattern for quite a while now, so I’ve been wondering if these are clear signs that Leloo could be connected to the Luciferian agenda and the false light ‘Ascension’ matrix…
    It is very tricky trying to discern because Rose and LHM share lost of things that could be very accurate and matching our own state of limbo…, hopes, state of the world, etc, etc.

    However, just like you – I don’t feel the astral has been cleaned up or closed down yet, (and not sure if that’s valid for everyone either!) because it’s playing up still in some of my dreams, on the same day Lisa released her latest update, I had experienced one diabolical group of ‘doctors’ doing some experimentation with humans without conscious permission and I do believe these were from the astral layers.

    Focusing on joy and what we love most is the only thing that matters right now, because it is really not so easy to exist here anyway.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about it.
    Much love!

    1. i have wondered that about leeloo as well. she herself – given what i have seen lisa share about her – doesn’t seem to be pushing that false “you have to do x y z” to ascend agenda. discernment IS a challenge here given there is deception sprinkled about. that in and of itself proves we live in a controlled experience. one of freedom has no deception and thus – if you are discerning a situation you are able to do so w/o the challenges. thank you as always for sharing your insights serenity. 🙂

      1. You’re welcome, Victoria.
        Meanwhile, I’me very greatful for all of us sharing what we feel inside as to what’s happening right now on so many levels.
        The comment of that person/ or being assosiated with lucifer under the latest episode of DTC is the most strange, you can check it out. They’ve transcribed word for word lisa’s speech and signed with her name at the bottom almost as if quoting her, but it’s too long of a quote! And if lisa was at least a bit concerned about not confusing her viewers, I’m sure she would’ve deleted this comment, I have no idea why this is kept going.
        Free speech? I know opposition creates more opposition, but people like us are so much longing for clarity at this time and you said it so well – ”we are just more or less flying blind – going by perception, reflection and feeling only’, playing up with this frail hope for clarity is kind of ‘disorientating’ to say the least…as much as I love Lisa.
        I mean, where is the borderline?
        We have no other choice except for taking everything with a grain of salt, right?
        Salt is good.

  2. Maybe I misunderstood, but I think Lisa said that it was the astral outside this construct that was all cleaned up? And the one here and 3d, the cleanup has just started? I will have to listen to it again. And I agree, there is always something we have to do, sigh!!!!

    1. yes that is what she said. the astral outside was cleaned up – but the entities who entered it/influenced our experiences in that space are still operating w/in this construct. clean it all up!

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