How are you all doing today? Feeling? It was 9.11 here in the states as most everyone knows. After 19 years of speaking and sharing truth about that day – each year saying “THIS is the year the full truth is shared for all” – I’m pretty burned out on any attention given to this day. “They” want us mourning. I want full truth. My mate did his own thing to honor Truth today by going to a local business that we were notified had called the police on a patriot who was not wearing a face diaper. A group of people showed up in support. The divide was clear – patrons and employees who were horrified at all of the faces – and those who were Standing Firm. It ended well – those without the face diapers were allowed to do their business and leave. The local police educated the place of business to make sure their employees were more respectful and civil. Apparently the guy was very vocal and called the police several times. Talk about wasting local resources. As I said yesterday – the call to STAND and REMAIN is N O W.
I want to thank all of you who have donated. Normally I respond personally but I have been run down and more tired than usual this week. The family is still removing this cold virus we all came down with at our own time the past week and a half. Tired and absolutely DONE with this “revealing it all” slugs pace. But still roaring and Standing.
🔴ALERT 🚨 The FBI tonight has released this declassified document related to the 9/11 investigation and suspected Saudi support for the hijackers
THIS right here is just one reason why We – I – Will NOT be silent. THIS IS WHY WE STAND.
🕊 Angels in Disguise
"In August 2001, actor @RealJamesWoods was on a flight from Boston to Los Angeles when he observed some Middle Eastern passengers acting strangely. FBI has corroborated that it may have been a dry run for the 9/11 hijackers."#911Memorial
— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@Woj_Pawelczyk) September 11, 2021
‘The Great American Walkout’ Begins: Biden’s Overreaching Move Is Focus of Mass Event
A True Patriot.
this is how its done 👏👏👏
Check out this awesome new, info-packed website – a real “go to” site:
One of my favorite Patriot’s dropping Truth today:
💥 Lin- 9/11
Another patriot. I would LOVE to see these nurses and doctor’s unite together – form new practices that are based on REAL health.
🔴They’re firing nurses who didn’t get the jab and are refusing to give them termination letters so they don’t leave a paper trail.
Bravo to this nurse who recorded the whole thing.
I tried to click on the donate tab twice now that it gave me an error message and blocked it, saying it was not safe to put my card info in there. I have donated to you in the past and want to again but I don’t know how. Is Paypal not working at all? I have only checked in briefly the last little bit so I don’t know the story. If there is another way, you have my Gmail from before.
💖 Aria