A child’s share….


our girl came to me in the kitchen while i prepped dinner and told me earlier today, while working on her penmanship exercise, she was suddenly guided to draw a few objects.

she drew 3 mountains with a large star off to the left.  she said “we may go to the star”.  she also drew 2 portals and one very large craft with a lot of lights on it.  i am keeping the pictures for ourselves for privacy.  just wanted to pass this along as i found it very interesting.

i think back to the 9 year old little girl who had some amazing shares in which i linked here over the weekend.  beginning on 5/11 the upcoming 6 weeks are going to bring a lot of changes.

the cat’s seeing a huge flash right after the full moon (which is this saturday).

one of their readers commented on his event vision which he feels aligns with a gathering this week.

my own stuff i have shared………and the incoming energies……

oh my………oh my my my………..

i just heard “be wise about this” on a youtube video my mate is listening to – felt guided to share that.  it’s a good phrase to end this post.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.