A couple of interesting finds….


I feel better than I did earlier when I was lamenting about my ability to heal….A talk with Sister D always lifts me up – brings me back to my heart/power….Having this assistance also helped me bring in some beautiful songs from the birds – which suddenly I was all but surrounded by them.  Beautiful – blue on the chest, yellow on the back/wings.  Their songs were so healing.

Sister D shared an experience from a gathering yesterday.  Someone in the group spoke words of pure unconditional love for another in a way that felt Pure.  Divine.  Words we ALL want/need/looooong to hear.  Every one of us.  She didn’t even go into detail as TO the words – but it was something my heart could feel and I was weeping and could feel that longing.

How we once spoke to one another.  Interacted WITH one another.

No drama.  No trauma.  No “old wounds” to block.



There was a time in which I was like that in how I shared with others – but along the way in doing so came rejection and further trauma as I was not grounded enough/awake enough in ME to know how to handle such a result(s).

No one heals in a bubble.

Together – we do.

(btw i am seeing reports about “planet x/nibiru” and the elite already on their little private islands….last scene to push….which will like all others fall apart….quicker and quicker now…)

Here are those finds.

Arizona Audit Live Feeds, [02.08.21 14:52]
August 2, 2021
RE: CodeMonkeyZ Breaking News On Dominion Whistle Blower

Dominion Supervisor Password has always been in possession of Dominion contractors. One brave Patriot steps forward and reveals to Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ).

Many are posting from CodeMonkeyZ (Ron Watkins’ verified channel) (https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ) regarding an independent contractor to Dominion, residing outside of AZ, who is in possession of the Senate’s sought after Supervisor Password from Dominion.

The contractor steps forward today to take a stand for all of us.

Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ) is verifying the information and believes it to be credible. We will all know soon!

Read his thread (https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/956) and hang on for verification.


3 Pic’s



🔴Our whistleblower had access to the Election Management System servers.
Our whistleblower had access to the Adjudication Clients.
Our whistleblower had access to the ImageCast Central Workstations.
Our whistleblower had access to the SUPERVISOR PASSWORD.

🔵code monkeyz


🔴Our whistleblower risked his life.
Our whistleblower risked his livelihood.
Our whistleblower risked everything.

🔵code monkeyz

Another RPM (red pill moment) – mainstream:

Senator Lindsay Graham of SC, who is fully vaccinated, confirms he has tested positive for Covid 19.


Speak Truth to Power |@TheWashingtonPundit


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A couple of interesting finds….”

  1. Thank the Divine that the Mexican President appears to be awake. Let’s hope he stays safe. So far those who have refused to go along with the scheme have not fared well.

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