A couple of interesting finds….


I found this first one last night and commented that a few days ago, I noticed my spellcheck was no longer working (and I use a laptop).  Gmail is still helping me out but every place else, I’m on my own.  I reflected on this and thought what a beautiful gift to help wake up some last-minute sleepy ones – remove the AI apps (on the phones and elsewhere) doing their thinking.  


@Ad_Enuff @SteveAlbatross @Alliroberts22 @warped343 They’ve bundled and tied all the ‘apps’ worldwide now, in prep to pulling them off line. It occurs to me, this is going to be rather striking to people heavily tied to and influenced by, apps. In pondering that, I realized they might be mistaken as having a ‘psychological problem’. Because suddenly the apps which were masked as their own voice & they thought were their own thoughts, are no longer talking or giving their opinions on things. They are no longer told what to do, or having their opinions skewed by being told ‘how bad and why’ something is. I only see two ways. Either they’ll go nuts over the sudden silence, or they’ll be groggily waking up. There must be more options, I just cant think of any atm.
What do you guys think?
This one was passed on to me today.  I don’t listen to him much – but this one resonates.  (Having hope/love in my heart that the above happens and they WILL align/see/hear.)  “Don’t exhaust yourself” on those who cannot/will not hear.  I neeeeeeeeeded to hear this.  I already “know” this and have heard that inner voice say that for monthssss but I ignore/dismiss it thinking “if i show them THIS – THEN they will see”.  My heart is in the right place but I also know it can come across as arrogance.  Time to just be within and listen to my own truth/voice.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “A couple of interesting finds….”

  1. I saw and heard something that warmed my cockles. Protests, in our neck of the woods, regarding the forcing of the jab agenda. Cars honking, at time so much it was deafening. People are waking up!

  2. I have been aware of the basic plot as: they get us acclimated and addicted to AI formats–i.e. internet, fake book, tweets, and so on….and then pull the plug. The addicted sheep go “Arghhhh…Whappened to my lifeline???!!!”…and then they can step in and say–“Here, we have the life preserver you need.” They introduce the WEF version of “you will own nothing and be happy”Matrix on steroids…and Voila! The 5G mind control matrix advances to next phase…graphene oxide nanoparticles activated, and ancillary drugs administered ala mood elevators. and so forth. Basically, Aldous Huxley and Orwell predicted this.

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