A couple of thoughts to end the day………….9.13.23


As I was washing dishes, I reflected on the latest information about sitting.  I’ve been at this long enough to see some things.  Perhaps because I’ve been more or less a solo-type person in this process, as in I don’t hear intel from the outside or claim to have special intel privileges (because I don’t), or work with others, I’m able to see things from a “me only” perspective.

The AI inside this place loves to deceive.  It has the ability to disguise itself as something else.  It knows the ending and it knows nothing can stop it – so why not have some fun along the way and give out just enough truth but also twist the message now and then to create confusion and division.  Toss out dates that turn out to be bunk.  Pretend to be someone higher up and benevolent but the truth remains it’s just an AI f’ing with us.  And speak through those either too trusting to know they’re being played or lacking in discernment or true warrior spirit to call out the B.S. and/or (and this is a big one for me): question what is being said.

It’s a formula for confusion which is why discernment remains necessary as is an open mind and an open heart AND the ability to question everything.  And let me tell you – if something came through to speak to me and gave me information that proved to be false in any way – I would be on that “whatever” it is like white on rice demanding some frigging answers.

Which is why I remain a solo (sole) operation.  😜  That and I kinda have control issues.

That’s all for now.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “A couple of thoughts to end the day………….9.13.23”

  1. Discernment and attunement to our higher wiser self is about all we have. We do possess skills as human antennae –even though most of our human talents have been deliberately suppressed and denigrated as un-scientific.

  2. Keep asking the tough questions, fellow warrior spirit! The message is only as trustworthy as the messenger. Someone operating from a space of love and integrity will always be gracious to those of us who ask hard questions out of genuine concern – AND empathize with that concern. Only a deceiver or manipulator gets angry and resorts to guilt trips or invoking fear when their narrative is challenged. Only someone with something to hide insults and silences the voices of those who dared to ask. Thank goodness for discernment, so we can glean what IS true and ditch the rest!

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