A Dream and a Reflection


this morning i had an interesting experience during that state we call sleep.  i was at a familiar – but different – house.  there was a reunion taking place. i visited with a few people.  the dream got weird for a bit – confusing (because we are still here after all so not all is under our full control yet)…after a bit of searching which included hibernating in a familiar bathroom so i could recenter again in a private space, i knew it was time to go.  so i packed my bags, called out to my daughter it was “time to go Home”..i heard her in the distance say “ok mom!”  i was then hugging someone from my past who has since passed on – she looked great.  young.  healthy.  she was with some unknown man.  i told them it was time for me and my girl to go home and the man said “ah, i see you decided to hook to the left and go east”.  yes, i said, smiling.  the experience ended.

as i always do when i share these things – i shrug and say “ok.  we will know soon enough.”  direction doesn’t really matter to me – what is in my heart does.  Home.  that is what vibes.  Home.

today we had a “social distance” (UGH that phrase….) birthday sing for our daughter which then quickly turned into a sprinkler run which morphed into an awesome water fight.  i got in on the action.  there was essentially no “social distancing” at that point.  the parents just let the kids be kids.  we already said we were done following the guidelines but of course respected other parents choices for their kids.

the talk turned to the virus of course and once again i was left feeling so out of place.  the “leaders” being listened to by our visitors…..deep state actors….every one of them.  i said the only one we go to for real information is POTUS and his pressers.

i would love to have a convo about Q.  The Plan.  The Great Awakening.  The Matrix.  Home.  The hijack.  All of it—just once – have that conversation with someone local who GETS IT – other than my mate.  I am weary of feeling alone in the company of others so in a way this lockdown has given me the excuse to avoid gatherings.  It’s painful.  My heart and my soul and my very essence – the totality of my being LOOOONGS to feel Home and Connection. Authenticity.  Conversations free of matrix programming and system words.

To quote my child:  Raise your hands if you agree!  lol




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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