A few finds ~ 12.5.24


May be an image of christmas tree, twilight and text


Tired of hearing rich white billionaires – males – putting out the message on social media to women to start having kids.  Same money-privileged patriarch – clueless as to the real challenge for many many many families with the cost of living when food costs are around $1,000 or more for a family.  Average home price to buy is around half a million.  Two bedroom rentals start at $1800 and up.

Sometimes those on the left speak truth.  The idea that only those on the right side of the political spectrum somehow hold the entire truth bowl is nonsense.

I’m tired.  Weary.  I tell myself otherwise all the time but my body screams at me to stfu.  lol

Tired of forgetting what happened the day before.  Tired of applying here and there, sharing ME, reaching out for help and just like I would feel if I were to cook a 6 course meal to a room full of people and maybe get a couple of “thank you’s” – I ask “why am I doing this?”.  Tired of waking up angry and frustrated feeling overwhelmingly trapped.  I go to bed every night thinking and listening to those new thoughts and making sure I feel them only to wake up hours later frustrated and questioning what the fuch is wrong with everything when I struggle to bring to fruition what I want need and deserve.  It has worn on me.  I can’t ignore it – can’t ignore how unbelievably tired my brain is now.  Advice ain’t working for I am DOING it.  Resting (see previous).  Tell yourself a new thought and keep at it (DOING).

Whatever happened to people just reaching out and asking what can I do for you?  (thank you to those who do, btw!)  No wonder there’s so much unnecessary suffering.  Today I feel like that character in Gilmore Girls – Michel – who some days just can’t people for he feels they are just stewpid.  For me it isn’t stewpid behavior – it’s behavior lacking in love and heart.

Aye.  Whatcha gonna do but keep going.  Right?

I thought about Jesus tonight on a drive.  Jesus would come here and say “why you have so many without homes?  give them homes!”  Until some NPC evil bureaucrat with ridiculous rules that BLOCKS ANYTHING OF LOVE steps in and says, “nope we have to follow codes and regulations”.  I mean in my town it’s illegal to have tiny homes – that would be too easy to create to house the thousands of homeless.  I’m with Jesus – in that speak.  Always have been.  Always will be.  Someone without a home?  Give them a home.  Someone need food to eat?  Give them food.  Someone needing a car or needing to get out of a bad situation?  Give them a damn car and a place to live.

SO EASY.  Evil complicates things and demands proof of worth.  Love is simple.

P E R I O D.

Here are a few finds.  First one is the best – for me – for it is one of the other things I woke up thinking about.  Which btw – is anyone interested in my dreams anymore?  I put that one everywhere on social media – and other than 2-3 likes – you know?  Am I making a difference?  Why do I have these visions and dreams if 99.99999999% of humanity sees – even more likely uninterested?  People kept pushing the earthquake theory – it was a dark hat weather modification and I’m over here saying PAY ATTENTION I HAD THIS DREAM I SEE THINGS.

Is it because I’m female?  Females are the seers and the intuitors and we have been, as at least you women know, been ignored dismissed attacked discounted hung up in town squares throughout humanity’s history for having these gifts, which are just as important as a man who goes out and builds a home or fixes a car.  And then when we feel we aren’t getting the respect we deserve, we get a little emotional, which we then get called, what I got called tonight, “childless cat lady”.  😂😂😂  Which as anyone who knows me at any level knows that entire sentence contains zero truth.

O M G when will we learn to LISTEN and truly communicate?  Social media makes us lazy – drop a comment then move on – as though that ends the conversation.  I need a new form of living being doing.  And some kindness and understanding and TLC.

That sort of thing.

Ok – as I started above but got sidetracked which is part of being female – here are today’s finds.  First one is the best.




I had to share it this way because the original account who posted the image below doesn’t allow those without a blue checkmark to respond OR share their posts via embedding.  I have always been thoughtful on giving credit where credit is due – but people are playing this ridiculous divisive game now – “i don’t play with you unless you are verified” – so fuch it – I’m taking the credit for it.















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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A few finds ~ 12.5.24”

  1. re: M-O-N-E-Y. Real-Estate. Land-Lords. Whosoever shall control the money shall control the human population. Until such time as we create the alternative, we shall remain money’s slave. Currently, humankind has chosen to accept Money as its primary god. Bank = Church. The high-priests are the pope-economists(or black magicians). That’s a poetic way of saying that as long as money remains god-we accept Moloch as our guiding icon for humanity’s future. Here’s a detail of import that most of us choose to ignore: since this nation’s inception(1776) we have endured (on average) one or two recessions every decade. This ought to be a red flag–one might think. And Harvard and Yale might actually explore alternatives to the “Bank’s slave system of perpetual debt”; and yet, alas–the business schools create the next crop of ‘economist-experts’ who carry the torch for the families who own BANK. Their system was never intended to create equity or social value beyond maintaining the elite class structure. Therefore we may presume that the polarized ideations re left/right; or liberal/conservative; or DEM/REP–are meaningless and cultivate a futile cycle akin to a snake eating its own tail. Which is why “cultural resets” must occur(approx every 140 yrs) in tandem with human memory erasure so we the sheeple will regard the overlords as our masters. Until such time as we create the alternative to their program we are trapped in a matrix simulation. Those pioneers at present who are engaged in creating regenerative(intentional) communities will rely on the true 21st century energy and dwelling advancements which have been suppressed and hidden for centuries. Nick Tesla was on the right track. And the Tartarian antiqua-tech needs to be re-explored. Free energy, and untainted food and water sources are critical elements. As long as humans struggle to remain healthy, and yet, remain impoverished–we are little more than prisoners of a matrix-grid-lockdown. PAX

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