A few finds and a check in…………



Whew………Last night was unbelievably rough/challenging.  Felt like the character morpheus:

The Matrix: Agent Smith's 10 Most Sinister Quotes From The ...

It took me a few hours to create my quiet and inner calm – and I had to use new protocols.  I finally fell asleep – and slept until 2pm.

It rather baffles my mind at this point how some simply cannot see the war that is playing out – instead focusing more on the spiritual purpose of this.  Some say no one is rescuing us (I always want to say ok – I’ll toss you into a pit and tell you “you’re on your own”)………..or we are creating this war.  …  We are participating IN it in order to be free OF it/them.

How can we be doing this without some sort of higher help?  Do any of you know how to take out an invisible entity – take out something you can’t see?  Rise above and they can still jump around those frequency spaces.  If your home is infested with spiders, for example, do you just relocate yourself to another space?  Or do you bring out the fly swatters and other things to remove or destroy them?

I did wake up hearing “fear is the beast”.  Their program.  Love is our program.  So as always – finding the love space – the divine – what feeeeeels good and pure – is helpful – however we can create it.  And/or visualize the fear program falling away.  Burning up.  Breaking up.  You may notice it shows up in a particular area in your body.  For me – it’s the same location as the reptilian brain stem/area.

I also pondered – if the idea of we will be united was more than just we all see the same thing – truth shown to all everywhere.  Is it perhaps unity is also about us uniting fully again with our full Source Divine selves….

Here are a few finds.  I am off to take a nap before finishing up the day’s doings.












I have always been inclined to eat far more fruits than veggies…………The only food that aligns with the needs of my body………








It’s a war zone in Kazakhstan! Shoot-outs are happening in multiple cities between special military forces & rioters. Kazakhstan is one of the last ops. 17 said Israel will be last & we are here now. Mossad & CIA ops are heavily rooted in Kazakhstan. They are being removed by the Alliance. 💣💣💣

Kazakhstan Update

New Year BQQMS going down in Kazakhstan!

The Illuminati Capital ASTANA Kazakhstan


A S T A N A = Nur—Sultan Kazakstan has fallen.
This is the equivalent of loosing a Queen in a chess game.











This is horrifying to me………..

Republican politicians call for action against biotech companies after report on prenatal testing failures | Fox News

Leading Republican politicians are calling out biotech companies amid a report about false positives in prenatal testing.








Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A few finds and a check in…………”

  1. Dr. Morse is amazing. I did a modified version of his fruit and juice fast, just having 80 percent fruit or juice and the rest veggies, and my body felt so much better. I was working then and not able to keep going into a deeper cleanse, but wow, it does help, if you can afford it and stay at home

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