I’ve been thinking on the whole awakening – the great awakening. You can’t have that as long as deception is being allowed to be pushed. Most people around my area and that I know watch CNN, NPR, etc. I read earlier where FOX will be the place where the truth will be rolling out (as we are seeing, albeit it too slowly for people like myself). Why FOX? The “left-leaning normies” don’t watch FOX and they are the mass of people that the plan is allegedly trying to reach, correct? Nothing much makes sense to my mind – much less resonates. I continue to feel – some moments and days more than ever – certainly today – that I am at the front door pounding the door saying OPEN UP AND LET ME OUT OF THE TRUMAN SHOW. Seriously – new experience. New “classroom”. Just NEW & BETTER.
Here’s what I’m seeing.
Dan Posting EBS…..🤔
(above) Because of this?
Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs
This really happened. Here’s the link on anonup to watch it (it was shared as a .mov file and I can’t share those here)……..Again – how many people who NEED to see this – will? Ya know?
FULL Video: parts 1-2-3-4 of D E C .O D [I N G] J. (D) U R H A M | Intel for the MASSES
this goes with these [1-9] all links below 1 | D E C .O D [I N G] J. (D) U R H A M | Intel for the MASSES: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sdv6AZ9jGa6S/ 2 | D E C .O D [I N G] J. (D) U R H A M | Intel for the MASSES: https://www.bitchute.com/vid…
Yawn….as in how do you indict a dead man? Oh yeah – it’s all part of this movie…………My popcorn is totally stale now. lol
WATCH: Fox News Host Says He is Hearing That Hunter Biden Will Be Indicted
WHEN, Mr. Loop man? W H E N?
How much does he really know? I don’t know. Durham was the last worded 17 drop. I know – we’re all just like JUST DO IT ALREADY! Jesus…….Was thinking how we’ve heard “the wheels of justice turn slow”. Why? It doesn’t have to be this way. Didn’t T say that those engaged in child trafficking, etc. deserve speedy trial and death? Yeppers…………I like the old west way – you have the evidence of a crime – you don’t sit on sheot for months or wait for availability of space – esp. if it’s a person/persons who are monsters. Stick ’em in front of a judge – present the evidence – and hang ’em. Only humans – real humans – fall under Constitutional Protection. But the monsters? Evil? Nope. Just – NOPE.