Clip from Hal Turner radio show – shared by a social media/local freedom fighter….Allegedly a Russian “hacker” accessed the dark web and found out servers are tracking those who have received the j ab. Hopefully this one goes through.
Something to watch….
🙏☺️thank you national guard!!
In response Dwight Knapp to his Publication
The new ‘John Durham’ video just happens to be 2:30 long.
2:30 = 23
(As we know, George Papadopalous on Friday said the D. Report shows EVERYTHING. If DJT is saying this now – we know it is BOOM time.)
Then the last 17 drop with words, November 2020, is this (the last drop of December 8 was a video – sung to “We’re Not Gonna Take It” – which said video has since been removed)….
Nov 13, 2020 12:20:55 AM EST
!!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 518aba No. 11621106
Then there’s this (one of their agenda’s – blow Yellowstone)….Seismic activity out of Yellowstone. I saw this on Rose’s GAB account (when I actually went looking for something else)….There was a time almost 15 years ago when my mate and I planned for the eruption of Y.Stone. I have since come to know their agenda’s of total destruction, which this was one of them, will not happen. Rose made the comment on gab that it goes blow as we exit – kinda like cosmic karmic justice.

Here are some heliplot images from the area (current):

So here is the image I was originally seeking:

I was also thinking of what The Gunner’s Wife shared last night – in particular what she is choosing to repeat now. First the message Trump shared with the M1 Pilot as he boarded on 1/20/21. She has shared that several times now – there is a reason for that. Trump tells him “the next few months aren’t going to feel good but it ends with a BOOM”. Then she also shared what Trump said on stage (off mic) on inauguration night November 2016 – “Space is the goal”. I also noticed Elon Musk’s pinned tweet now ~ Make humanity a multiplanet species!
I have questioned the whole “melting pot” narrative that has been pushed on us here for, well, forever it seems. I was never comfortable with that. I realize we are each unique – however given my feeeeeel that this war involved many planets – perhaps just a system – perhaps the entire Universe itself – and as such those of us taken prisoner were all thrown into this little pit of theirs…. So….when the transition point hits and Original Timeline is restored – we all go back to our respective Homes – based on who we really are and our frequency. At least at first. I am completely one who supports Freedom – to live where one chooses (and to travel too). Kind of like a magnet – or even a cord attached to us – pulled up and out and returned to where we belong. Anyway – just finding the comms I shared above rather aligning with what I feel.
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Excellent point you made about the “Melting Pot” being pushed on us by the Controller and their matrix crap. When we get out and go to our Homes, that will eliminate the parasites for sure. We’ll be able to visit other planets, but all are higher vibrational.
Saratoga Ocean has said UFO disclosure will be in June. And the Controllers will try to pull off a fake scary alien/UFO invasion which will be a dismal failure.