A few left-overs………..


sometimes at the end of the day – i find a few stragglers to drop here………

first – some stream of consciousness i’m having atm…….

there is chatter about so much – so much speculation – a lot of fear pushing……

i don’t ever recall 17 saying stock up (for weeks) and prepare…….

i don’t recall 17 saying the grid will go down for awhile or we’ll be without basic services…..

i do recall being told YOUR FAMILIES ARE SAFE.

and we were told the infrastructure was protected….

i know there are tens of thousands of new sats out there that are likely so advanced, they could switch us over to a new system and we wouldn’t even know it (at first)……..

i know that any mass global outage – anything that would lead to people’s inability to communicate with friends and family or keep warm – to do business – that has to be protected.

evil wants chaos and fear.

this plan is more than just humans.  it is divine – advanced – inside and outside doing.

now – how truth will continue to be rolled out – how the msm is taken out – i don’t know.

one of the words in my mind – PAUSE………..

on april 6 2018 17 stated this:  Net will be paused….

NOT ‘net (which is the typical abbreviation for the internet)……

and NOT Internet……….

just Net……..

So my thought:  the MA Net………which as I understand it is THE operating system of this realm……….it’s like the motherboard of this realm……..

Now – if THAT is paused – THAT could be THE event………

Or…………it could also be the means to introduce the new program……..Putin is doing that in Russia…………disconnecting to old  hooking up to new…….on Friday 3.11 (mirror 11.3)……..

Or – could be both………

I decided to GEMATRIA PAUSE:

Vladimir Putin

You Are Safe Now

Three Three Three

Trump and Qanon

How To Defeat Satan

Im So Tired Im Getting Grumpy (shared for the humor AND the truth…….)






PRINCE JOHN she says?  You’ll have to go to anonup (have an account) to hear this one…………my site doesn’t allow .mov files to play……


Prince John you say? We all know there is no “Prince John” unless… Let’s see what happens! 😎🍿

“I don’t know who is running the federal government these days, Joe Biden or Prince John from uh…Prince John.”—Lauren Boebert 3/08/22

“Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.”—Q 3/10/18





Found it on twitter:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A few left-overs………..”

  1. The x-22 Report is a real doozy today!
    And since you are on Telegram, the ‘Starship Earth…”, also has rad info.
    I don’t have a cellph., so I can’t access a lot of the info.

    Saw something in the sky today that I haven’t observed in several years, and definitely not to this extent!
    It began with oddly shaped clouds that strongly hinted at HAARP activity. (they have a certain type of striped pattern) Then a cloud that was close to the sun, suddenly started showing rainbow colors that quickly shifted,undulated and changed , ending with an intense color pink all around the edges. In the beginning, the colors were like the noctilucent clouds you see in Scandinavia; a very transparent electric light blue. Then they shifted into a full rainbow display! It was beautiful, but made me wonder what was going on.
    I seem to remember that Mr. MBBB had shown photographs of this phenomena.

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