A gematria


Got a nudge to do a gematria (or 2).  Been awhile.  My first nudge:


The Destroyer

State of Emergency

Do not resuscitate

Amazing so Sit

US Election Day

The Event



Second nudge:


Satanic Ritual Sacrifice

Imagine Heaven

Outside the Ninth Arch

One one one



First Trumpet

Starts The Ides of March  (interesting – although the I of M begins on the 15th and the Vessel got “stuck” on the 23rd – the media is trying to say it is “freed” but the back end is floating – the bow is still wedged and “experts” are saying it could still say weeks to dislodge)

Russia and Ukraine




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.