A Gematria



So I shared this earlier:

FINAL STAGE nudged at me.  Gematria:

Back To The


Life Path Q


John John

New Earth

Buck Moon (which is on July 3rd this year)


And these:


somebody unwind that damn clock already to ZERO POINT……lol





THIS (forgot to add – been playing that card game of mine again – over the weekend i closed my eyes, shuffled without a thought – and randomly too – said outloud suddenly it is DONE KABAM POOF – first card that i draw?  10 of diamonds.  took a pic – then after i played the game i put the cards into a stack and intuitively just separated them out in 3 places – and what came up was three 5’s…….took pics w/my cell phone but don’t yet know how to upload those onto my laptop to share…….warrior wizard outside – carrier of Divine Knowledge and Wisdom but this 3d version still can’t figure out what cable to use with the millions of USB blah blah’s to get what’s on the phone onto the computer……….)




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “A Gematria”

  1. Hi V. You have named here that you don’t know how to share photos from your cellphone to your laptop – I’m no technical genius, and there are some other easy and smoother ways for sure, but what I use to do is to email a picture to my own email adress, providing that you can achieve your e-mail from both your cell phone and your laptop… This primitive way works, at least for me.

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