A Hunch about 2020 and something Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan



A few days ago, I shared a video here in one of my “finds” collections where Elon was being interviewed by Rogan.  He says in 2020 “they” reset our consciousness.  That was the only part of the interview that was in that particular clip.  Theorizing at the time I sensed it was soft disclosure for what “they” have been doing all along with their resets, etc.  However, my body told me there was something else to it.  I wanted to figure it out and was not able to at the time, so I let it go.

On a bike ride today with my girl, she just happened to bring up 2019 and how it was half a decade ago.  She also said how it “feeeeeeeeeeeeels” much different today than it did then – like a totally different lifetime/reality.

She’s absolutely right.  It does.  My body knows.  CV could likely have been used as a necessary distraction in order TO move our consciousness.

That triggered what I “got” this morning when I woke up – that we were moved in 2020 – to a pocket realm.  Something Lisa Harrison spoke of in the last few years was how we were moved to a pocket realm.  Those words stuck with me at the time – something about that was true.  My sense this morning – which came in quickly – was that our consciousness was moved to this space in order to finish waking up and in order to watch this movie play out (to which I think “dudes you could be providing us with better snacks and more comfy chairs!”).

Think about it.  Feel into it.  Don’t you feeeeeeeeeel different than you did just 4 years ago?  And this realm feels different.  The energy is different.  The frequency is different.  I am different.  WE are different.

My spouse has something to add to this – we’ve already been sorted.  After the first move to this pocket realm – we are each in our own pocket realm frequency.  The next hop – as I mention below – is we each get out.  Which is my hope – my intent.

Adding to this, I also feel this is why we are finding our tribes now, quicker.  If someone doesn’t “jive” with us energetically they get pulled away.  Those who do jive – stick around.  That’s why it can be so frustrating for some of us who want to scream when we hear things like new money systems, voting, etc.  As my friend David said back in 2020 – what you are about to see is not. for you.  It’s for the “normies”.

For now, I feel quite stuck here – as do many of us – wanting this movie to hurry up and FINISH already.  It’s an inner quiet feeling mixed with frustration.  But since I do feel this is an ultimate WWG1WGA (as in we ALL get out at the same moment – just returning to different spaces), well it is as it is.

Quantum Leap incoming.  I still have this sense about the upcoming supernova’s.  Not that those are necessarily THE event – but perhaps a final step – like the eclipse’s were utilized to help dismantle the construct.

Let me know what you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel/sense/think.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A Hunch about 2020 and something Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan”

  1. Yup. 2020 was a reset on a cellular-consciousness level. I also feel that we need to engage our highest frequency as ‘conscious-creators’ in support of the New Earth. Meanwhile, we are also being bombarded with negative frequencies and thought control crapola…so we truly need to activate our psychic armor. Blessings!

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