A quick but detailed analysis on why POTUS signed the spending bill and declared a national emergency


  • Angela Potter Okay, ya’ll. Please read this. I suspected something like this would be so, since he signed such a bad bill so quickly. We have nothing to worry about. The National Emergency overrides that crummy bill, and voids it out:

    Katie Kirkaldy
    1 hr ·
    I see many are doubting President Trump’s Action AGAIN!🤦🏻‍♀️ Before you decide to join the bandwagon of Flip floppers…..
    First learn why Cue have mentioned several times of Executive Powers given to POTUS!

    Yes, (those that are wondering) President Trump signed the BS Bill!
    – The ONLY reason he did so was to avoid another Govt Shutdown!! Yup, he loves & cares for We The People!
    Now by signing the Bill, does it mean he Caved? HECK NO!!!!!!! <Keep reading>

    Yes, he also declared officially…National Emergency! Why? Besides the obvious, it was HUGE to do so immediately after signing the Bill!
    You see…by declaring National Emergency, the Bill that he signed now is IRRELEVANT! As long as National Emergency is in affect, it OVERRIDES the Bill!😂 Anyone who doubts this, Research it!

    – Did you know, Cue have told us last year when the National Emergency will be declared?🤔😆 Like Cue said….Anons knew! Yup!😊 Will Show ⤵️
    – Have you read what was put out by the WH? ⤵️
    – If President Trump “So called” Caved, then why are RATS in DC panicking? ⤵️😆

    So, you may ask what happens to the Bill once National Emergency gets called off?
    Well, by the time President Trump & Cue team finish with their OP (National Emergency has been PLANNED for years)….
    There will be LOT of empty seats to fill!😂 Once the RATS are removed, the REAL budget bill will be introduced, voted in, and be signed by President Trump before National Emergency gets undeclared!😁😂

    Just FYI…
    Declaring National Emergency is NOT about funding the Wall! We already had more than enough money since last year! Remember President Trump’s EO 12/21/17?? Yup, President Trump & Cue Team are going after [Them] ALL! Phase lll Activated! We are Now at JUSTICE Stage!! PAIN Incoming!!!

    During this National Emergency…
    Dark to LIGHT will take place! NOTHING can Stop ALL Truths from coming out!😁

    Although, this is time to celebrate, Stay Vigilant bc FF will take place (so far Chicago) & TONS of Fake News pushed out by MSM! Yes, Fox is part of MSM! Copied

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.