A Reader Shares His Experience Seeing “Sparkles” (Sprinklings)


Editor Victoria’s Comment:  First I am happy to share this.  I LOVE HEARING OF YOUR EXPERIENCES (can i say that loudly enough?? lol)….  His share was inspired by the post I shared put up on Schrodinger’s Other Cat’s page (you can find that here.)  This was listed in the comment section but I requested permission to share as a piece.  I am sure you will find it as beautiful and amazing as I did.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


On March 18, 2018 during a vivid dream, I was knocked to the ground and it immobilized entire body, some energy that I couldn’t see coming put me down in an instance, but it did not hurt. Awoke after some more of that dream and remembered being knocked to the ground in that dream, and wondered if that didn’t happen to my 3d body too. It all left quite an ( ? ? ! ? ) impression upon me.

Nothing quite as profound that I am consciously aware of has happened to me since until 2 days ago, October 21 mid afternoon and sunny. I’ve seen pink, white and violet mists or clouds around for the previous 3 weeks quite a bit, and we’ve had sensational sunsets.

This was quite different on 10-21-18. It was real close up, ground level up to 20 feet high and 20 feet in front of me. My initial reaction was my vision got blurry getting out of the vehicle, but then it didn’t go away and I could tell my vision wasn’t blurry. It looked really cool, so I watched it, what was it ? It looked like super fine points of snow or light, all uniform, falling from who knows where, then disappearing before they hit the ground . It was so faint, that you question yourself,.. am I really seeing this?

After 30 seconds of this, I’m convinced this has got to be a man made something, maybe ashes from a fire or fine confetti being uniformly blown by the wind. So I start to look around for possibilities. Nothing at all comes up, and still watching the lights flicker by. What if its chemtrail crap …. I’m out o here, and into the store ! My better safe than sorry fear sent me inside, now I know better, it was too beautiful to be poison. The experience kinda faded fast or never took hold, blocked out by having to return to my backlog of 3d responsibilities/endless list of mindless crap that has (?) to be done.

Until, I began reading this article early this morning. I just knew I had to read it thru, and that there was something in it for me. “SPRINKLINGS”, thats exactly what they were, it wasn’t sheets or pourings or anything else. Just a giant invisible hand tossing out some sprinklings ! I have got to believe that lots of others have seen this also. This is in O’Fallon, Illinois, 20 miles east of St. Louis, MO.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.