A Reflection


Yesterday “felt better”.  Lighter.  I think it’s that sky object that they are shining the flashlight on full speed (remember boys and girls the moon is never full or crescent or new or any of that b.s. – it’s ALWAYS THERE – it’s just not always “lit up” for these compromised eyes to see).  U G H.

Anyway – so my mate was reading some headlines to me and said this particular site he was reading from has headlines you won’t see elsewhere – and I felt this moment of NO and frustration.  I thought “why is that important?  why is it THIS or THAT site somehow has more cool stuff to read?”

When is it going to be all about MY experience playing out and YOUR experience playing out?!

Anyway…………there’s that feeeeeel……

Anyone else having needs showing up – the need for comfort – the need for a parent to just take the evil away and make it all better and peaceful and happy again?  That need has popped into my space lately and sometimes it is quite big and leaves me in tears.  Adulting here (the way we’re “supposed” to) has never worked for me no matter what I have told myself.  Not even the “put on the big girl/boy undies” aligns.  Perhaps necessary at times to keep going – but nothing natural about having to do that.  You only do that when evil is dictating how reality is.  WE create that on our own from the place of Love?  Yeah – never a reason to suck it up and be someone else.

The Schumann did its thing again – not quite as intense – but for the same duration.

That’s all I have atm.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “A Reflection”

  1. Feel that more and more, longing for the safety of being parented, to not having to worry. Longing to be cherished, valued as by Mom, Dad. And yes, longing for the story, the movie to get wonderful and personal. Thanks for your work! It helps….

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