How are you all doing/feeling?
If I could locate my brain I’d be on this thing whizzing away with info. ATM I am in cute little slug mode. My goodness – I AM SO STINKIN’ TIRED TODAY! Others I’ve spoken with – heard from – are feeling big emotions lately: fatigue, sadness. Feel like just a little piece of me is here today. Slurring my words. Dropping things. Walking sideways at times. Movement signs? War fatigue? Both? Dunno. Here are a couple of things I’ve been pondering (in my “alert” moments):
- The trucker movement – worldwide – I feel it’s part of the plan. But I also feel that this gave We The People the chance to take back our Freedom and Power instead of a political figure. I got the sense the other night that T doesn’t want us looking to him as the savior – but instead at ourselves. He wants us to know that it is WE who took bac the power. That’s the kind of person he is.
2. I keep feeling each of us are writing our own script out of here. Our own ending. I use “out of here” because that’s what aligns with me – that may not align with you and that’s ok. Since I was a little one I knew this wasn’t Home and I wanted to “get out”. This really is about US creating our own experience that is also collective (freedom from the matrix/control systems).
3. I’m feeling two possibilities – one that this entire experience is an illusion – including the war narrative – inside and outside. Perhaps we have been stuck inside a video game (simulation) – we either got put into it or we chose to – but we still got locked in. I’m wondering if the idea of the invisible enemy – is that part of the matrix script or is there an enemy who became invisible to us once we got put into this place? I’m wondering – what is Illusion and what is Truth. I know inside of a place like this – the illusions still impact/hurt us. The mind doesn’t know different. The other hunch I had today – I may have started out with an end in mind when I first came here – either originally or in this current “cycle”…..and I am likely a different Being now so it’s a possibility the place I came from isn’t where I want to return to because I am different now. Freedom is what I desire. I don’t ever want to be told what to do or “you do it this way because that’s how it is”. That’s no different than living here. So it’s possible I originally came from a place that holds those values (we just do it this way just because) – even though it’s more benevolent – and now this doesn’t align. Our Souls – our Consciousness has expanded – esp. after this experience/these experiences. It could explain why, when I feel I have seen myself in that new – it’s just myself, my mate and our daughter – living in an earth-like community of a few hundred people. I used to wonder – transition place? But now I feel it could be Home that we picked.
I don’t know – just pondering these things lately. Freedom. Creation. Connection. Truth/transparency. That is what I continue to seek – and Be.
Interesting………….3.4.22 incoming….what if – with this upcoming impact, it starts that object spinning – we see the dark side (and thus “the beast”)………And guess what else happened on March 4th? March 4, 1776, “1789 1st US Congress meets and declares constitution in effect (9 senators, 13 reps)”…………And remember it was the original Inauguration Date in America………
New moon? New opportunity for a fresh start.
Have questions about how to step into your next phase as a @SpaceForceDoD Guardian? Ask us your questions here. ⬇️
— Space Force Recruiting (@gospaceforce) March 2, 2022
So, shall the old moon be blown as per schedule on 4th Mar 2022, when a SpaceX Shuttle Crashes into it? 😉😉
— Trulyurs_Aj 🎯 (@trulyursAj) March 2, 2022
What are they telling us? My feel – Mars is not bound by the time construct that we are in here.
#DYK Earth isn’t the only planet that has #LeapYears?
In fact, Mars has more leap years than regular years. Things must be confusing over there.
— Space Force Recruiting (@gospaceforce) February 28, 2022
Trying to get a mini re-set – repeat of 1906………..
Earthquake machine being primed?
— End of Days Radio🐬🦚 (@ninjashoes) March 3, 2022
WTFRIG??? lol
What fresh hell is this?— KimShady17 (@KShady17) March 3, 2022
Last night’s, er, uh, blooper reel:
Joe Biden's Brain Breaks At The State Of The Union: You Can’t Build A Wall High Enough To Keep Out The Vaccine
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 2, 2022
Dominion Minion.
33 said 4x (and check out the market #)….Remember at a rally he said “33 is a very special number”………
El American
HAPPENING NOW: Thousands in attendance as people wave 50x150ft. American Flag in Indianapolis IN rally for The Peoples Convoy.
Vehicles continue to join daily, in route to D.C. this Saturday, Convoy now OVER 7,000 VEHICLES.
Follow us ==>@ElAmerican_

An interesting thread….

“Watch for Taiwan and China. I was told over 2.5 years ago that Taiwan with the help of US Soldiers will help finish cleaning China up. That is when i was told MSM will fall as it was controlled by China. Ukraine being the head of the snake.
3.2.22 am Scott Brunswick; (bang)
China was moving toward a Republican government if they aren’t there already. Xi had to get rid of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and allow China to become a Democracy in order to participate in the Global Currency Reset
Mortgage broker here. It’s a shitty criminal product all around. First, most loans are owned or insured by the government meaning they control both supply and demand to an extent. They also control rates so it’s a complete monopoly. The “interest” you pay on a mortgage is literally theft since most loans are insured by the same gov that you pay taxes too. So if you default and the lender can’t recoup their loss by selling the siezed home then the government covers it. So you are paying ridiculous interest on a risk free invesment by the lender that in essence (through taxes) you paid to insure. Home appreciation allows the gov to make even more money whilst applying ever growing boot on the neck of the average homeowner/family, oh and also cover inflationary losses. I haven’t done a loan in the last 4 months because it makes me sick.
If God gave the “people” the earth why do we need to pay someone to live here. It is just like water and electric. Having a mortgage is slavery continuing. This system needs to fucking ALL burn to an ash heap.
My own personal take on some things. I’m passed the point of wanting to puke and sleepless nights trying to connect dots. I’ve been in the WTF stage awhile. Looking back on my own life. Places I’ve been. Vibes I experienced. Tryin my best to keep growing. Working on myself. But everyday something hits me. And I have to process it. And still…I’m like WTF. What’s real? What am I doing here…and then I go to bed and a new day dawns and the same questions surface. Effing Ground hog day. I want my passing grade already! Get me out of here 😂🤣

Donations for my work are very appreciated. I provide all of this work for free because our FREEDOM and sharing the TRUTH is what matters to me more than anything. But doing this takes a lot of my time and I have expenses. So as always, any financial contribution is not only appreciated, but also helps keep me going. Thank you and blessings. Please click that green link below to leave a little love.
YES. Sooo much fatigue. I’ve been sleeping like a cat for days now, only getting up when necessary and constantly about to fall asleep. Can’t think worth crap. Getting forced to sleep at some points, definitely when I try to do anything. Mom and I haven’t even managed an outdoor walk, we’ve both gotten sick and had to lie down before we could. “Sitting” has become ZZZ… 😴 And I feel so strongly, this is IT. Tech is glitching like crazy, can’t remember squat, zero motivation and now zero worry, all sleep all the time… It’s everything Rose was talking about, for sure. I also get the feel it’s been sped up again. Whee! Here’s hoping! 🥱 Now who else wants a nap? 🙋🏻♀️😴
sleep sleep sleep……….yes even our girl and i – who usually walk a lot – haven’t had the energy. about 4 years ago i had the sense that the closer we got to the end the more i would need to sleep. at the time i would have those moments of sudden “must sleep NOW” – but now it’s near constant.
Thank you! The Usmanov detail will have me digging deep! Btw-haven’t verified yet–but news flash appeared while using Firefox a few hours ago: “$1 mil bounty on Putin.” [Russia went to gold-backed currency according to Nicholas Veniamin today.] Ukrainy/Khazar bankster mob are retaliating. And notable that the member of Ukrainy Parliament announced via FOX that she supports the NWO a couple of days ago! George Webb’s report re the good people of Ukraine: They were glad to see the Russkies come in to kick Azo/Nazi fascist butts! …As Icke says: everything’s an inversion. Just as Trudeau magically transformed the word “Freedom” into a “threat to Democracy!”…Illusions and delusions and cognitive dissonances out the wazoo! What a time to be alive in Woo world!