A Return To Nature ~ Time For Me To Walk The Talk…

[wpedon id=”208″]Insect, Nature, Live

I had a most powerful experience a few moments ago.  It put together the information from my previous piece, which includes the meditation I did with nature and Gaia to bring out the sun again as well as the Anastasia book reference I made.

I decided to return to reading the Anastasia book (which is book 1 in the series).  Anastasia is based on a real experience a Russian man had in the Siberian taiga in 1995 over a period of 3 days with a woman who called herself Anastasia.  She speaks of the darkness and the fall of humankind and the return of the light.  Topics include child rearing, education, ufo’s and sex.  It is very enlightening and very much in alignment with what I speak of and desire.  In this particular section I was just reading, Anastasia is speaking of our interaction with plants and nature.  She herself has the ability to “see” others who are working with plants and nature and is able to send a message to assist the person at the time in a way that I can only describe as life altering and healing for the individual. She then speaks to how plants react to humans, with love or hate.

Upon reading this last part, I burst into tears.  I think of how I speak so much of returning to nature when I have neglected the nature that is around me and within my own home.  I spend far more time vacuuming the floors than I do in tending to my plants – these living creatures – these beautiful life forms.  I water them (forget to do that at times).  But that’s about it.  Sometimes I will speak to them but for the most part, they are a very neglected roommate.  I have long known this.

But tonight was different.  Something in me shifted.  I suddenly knew something changed in me as I stood at my window earlier in the day and did my meditation to intend the sun.  I didn’t speak of this earlier in my piece because it had not yet sunk in, but now it has.  When I did this meditation, at first it started off as a request for sun that would benefit me.  But something spoke to me – almost energetically “grabbing/stopping” me and had me instead focus on the needs of Gaia and the plant and animal kingdom.  Suddenly I was not “me” focused. Again a first for I have intended the sun numerous times in the past (usually with little or no success – perhaps now I know why).  I was focused on the needs of all life in my immediate area and by surrendering my own individual and ego needs, something automatically and easily guided me to tune into the needs of Gaia.  And I felt an energy coming from Gaia that I have never felt before.  It was as though I could be lifted off of my feet by it.

Something influenced me during those moments.  It wasn’t my Higher Self.  No, this was something else.

Perhaps, as I wept, it was another individual – someone like Anastasia herself – who tuned into what I was focusing on and guided me in a new direction.

Whatever “it” was, I am extremely grateful for this change of heart and mind.  I now see AND feel how I have separated myself from Nature.

I see now how I have affected her with my moods and words.

I see the neglect I have created.

I take a step back and look at myself and hear the words I have been speaking so much lately about Gaia and Goddess Sophia.  I see how I have been just feeling the “words” instead of the Life Force of these “words”.

And I see the connection I have to all of Her – if only I tune in and make the connection about Gaia and her beautiful life species instead of just me.

It is time to walk my talk.

Yes, I long to live in a much more rural area.  Rows of trees nestling the back of my property and home.

But until I create that living situation, I see how I can still have my connection with nature, both inside and outside of my home.  The intelligence and beautiful energy of these life forms are waiting for me as they have been all along.  Patiently.  Waiting for this human to wake up fully ~ to remember and feel fully she is not the only one around.

Such humbleness is a beautiful and welcomed moment.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.