Yesterday I watched an interview with James Gilliland and Solreta and Pete Slattery, which I linked on my site yesterday. Of particular interest to me was Pete’s sharing of meeting one of his Pleiadian friends in person – in his back yard. Normally these encounters occur in his dream state.
I was intrigued given an experience I had a couple of years back, where I met a woman who referred to herself as Daree. It was during my dream state. I was sitting in an office environment, waiting, when I looked up and walking towards me was a tall, lean, beautiful woman with long silvery/blonde, very straight hair. She was dressed all in sparkly gray and had an illuminating quality to her. I seemed to recognize with her so when she signaled to me to come with her, I went quite naturally. We walked through a doorway that suddenly appeared and I left the earthly world behind and entered a room in space craft of some sort. She was trying to show me things on a computer screen, only, like a child, I was more interested in the environment so I took in more of that. The shimmery gray color theme was throughout the two rooms. The lighting was perfect. The temperature, also perfect. And the carpet felt like bliss to my feet. There was no furniture, only objects appear upon her command. I looked out the window and saw nothing but beautiful stars against the deep black background.
This was the extent of the experience and I have wanted to connect with her again, to no (conscious) avail. So yesterday listening to the video inspired me to set the intention for us to meet on the physical. With the vibrational frequencies being more in alignment for such encounters/experiences, I decided “what the heck”.
Then I let it go. (There are advantages to having a small child around – distraction makes it easier to let such things go.)
Late last night, my mate shares with me that about an hour earlier, he had seen a woman matching Daree’s appearance suddenly appear in our living room. The experience shocked him so much, his vibrational frequency obviously dropped and she disappeared from his view.
He had had no idea that I had set this intention earlier in the day. So obviously this was no coincidence or illusion.
Naturally I said – ok I excitedly yelled – “Why didn’t you tell me??!! I was here!!” I had been sitting right next to him when he saw her, zoned out putting articles on my site. !!! Again, he said he had been too shocked by the experience to say anything for awhile.
I can understand that. Remember Laci Peterson? The pregnant mama who went missing around 2001/2002, who was later found dead in the San Francisco Bay? I had a dream about her death at the time, then put out to the Universe to give me a sign if I was to do something with the information I received in the dream. You know, go to the police, etc. Days passed, nothing happened, I let it go. Then one night I awoke around 3am to use the bathroom and felt a presence enter the house. I literally felt, in my body, an energy as big as my house lift up and settle back down. Slowly I walked into the living room and there she sat – in our recliner – dripping wet – beautiful, huge smile on her face. “HELLO!” she said, telepathically.
I was frozen. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. Somehow I found the ability to move and I ran – back to bed – where I threw the covers over my head and trembled for awhile.
So yes, I know what that experience is like. It can be very shocking to the system.
And it also left me with a deep regret that I may have just missed out on one of the most amazing, moving, beautiful conversations in a lifetime.
So, I continue again to intend for Daree’s return to speak with her in person.
And I continue as well to raise my frequency, to tap into and maintain the frequency of Love. Kindness. Honesty. Truth. Send that energy to every part of me still in pain, still suffering, still afraid.
For in time, a very short time my friends, such encounters will become common place for us.
And what a beautiful time that will be!
Amalgamation in oneness, tap into, hold the energy, through the breath. All those we send love & light to, in the no time no space, who are everywhere present, make the instant connection through our intention in our thoughts, words, & feelings. They are as close to us as our next breath, those we wish to connect with, through our loving intention. That simple. Home is where the love is, where we all reside in and out of form, at home in our hearts, we are one!