A Vision


Some of you will have noticed I uploaded a new piece last night, only to remove it.  I decided to do that because the words I had written were primarily for me to read.  I also am needing to move on and away from letting personal differences and what I feel/perceive as an attack knock me off my Center.  Before going to sleep, I did a new meditation/focus on healing those parts of me that experienced pain around this.  I was too tired to do it with the intention needed so somewhere along the way I drifted off to sleep, only to wake up several hours later.  Agitated.

I know when this happens not to ignore it so I did some work with that part of me in pain.  Soothing.  Accepting.  Then I called in my Higher Self and simply said “send this part of me that feels hurt some Love.”  What came next surprised me at first.

A vision suddenly appeared in my mind – a slowly growing vision of the infinity symbol, which I knew was a representation of time.  I then saw a higher version of Me – with each of my wrists being wrapped with each of the ends of the loop.  I then saw myself break this symbol of time apart, my face looking upwards, energies being released as I seemed to roar over the release.

Trapped in time?

No real surprise there.

Able to break free of that illusion?


More focus to be spent on processing that one.  It was powerful though.  It relaxed me.  I was able to return to sleep.

No longer am I satisfied to “wait” for this shift or wave or event or fill-in-the-blank before I find my relief, my healing, my happiness, my purity.

I am more powerful than that.

We all are.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.