Abel Danger Livestream 4/4/19 ~MadDog (which many say is JFK Jr) calls in w/some very interesting info….TCC Prays for Brother John as Weaponized Airliners Result In Hillary’s Incarceration


go to the one hour, 10 minute mark to hear MadDog speak of “the event” this month – the 13th i believe – as well as two other dates – 4/15 (the new treasury as he calls it) and 4/17.  he sure sounds like junior.  we will see. hopeful and discerning until…..a very beautiful message overall.  too much suffering for too long.  restoration for all in need.  yes….

i apologize that the video will not display – you will have to follow the link.  my mate and i are being very censored on youtube at the moment – esp. w/this video….


Streamed live 13 hours ago




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.