Adding on to a current ANON theory


So this theory has been floating around for a few weeks now:


If it is true, we are in week 11 – “BLACKOUT NECESSARY”.  Twitter was hacked today:

WW1WGA was offline/down (it still is as of 10pm PST) as was (up and running again).

11 – 11 – 18 actually breaks down as week 11 and from the week between the 11th to the 18th (Saturday to Saturday).

18 = R

R = JFK Jr  (We know POTUS confirmed this with a recent tweet about the Monumrnt – which indicated JFK Jr did scale Mt. Rushmore on the 4th).

JFK Jr went missing on July 16, 1999 and was announced officially missing for good by the Coast Guard on July 18.

America Unified on or by July 18 – just a few days away?

It would take a miracle at this point.  You all know who I have been saying would do it – for almost 2 years now.

So….I am just putting this out there as a possibility.  Hopeful but it also feels like a stretch – but miracles are always in the offing ready to appear.  And humanity really could use one of those now.




Thank you all for your support!

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.