Additional Finds and an Owl Visitor


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Here are a few end of day finds for this 7.24 day.Β  Love, V.


Oh we all have those days………..weeks………….months too along the way of our awakenings………..



Glitchy (taken from Rose’s Perspective FB page)………

May be an image of planet, eclipse and text



Speaking of – YRFT new one (brief update)…..Β  Good thoughts = Heaven.Β  Bad thoughts = underworld.Β  Frequency………….

Schumann Roar 7-24-23



X Y Z………….3 2 1………..




My first thought too……….sensitive content…….lol…..this is the image:



BTW………’s 10:10 as i write this (end)………






Owl Visitor………….





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Additional Finds and an Owl Visitor”

  1. Re JJ (?) A photo of an arm with dagger and the letter “Z” is verboten?…I had to prompt in order to view on Twitter[ I mean “X”]. The end of Z’s rule and the KM gangsters in Ukraine…? …Paddleboards: next level “Hilaried”?…Does this all look and sound like one of those campy Batman episodes from the 60’s? Glitchy sun…? Re: Nagasaki and Hiroshima–whether nuclear devices or just some sort of dirty bombs were the culprits, people were incinerated along with two cities. George Ohsawa (the founder of the ‘macrobiotic’ diet) wrote extensively on his successes treating Japanese people who had developed diseases attributed to radiation exposure. Fast forward to the Fukushima event–the question becomes “Why Japan is targeted.”…enjoyed the post!

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